The flight to the vaccation

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G: so Vilu who do you want to sit with on the flight??
V: dad who do you think??
G: Leon??
V: are you freaking serious ??? Eh no, I want to sit with Fran :)
N:so Fran who do you want to sit with ??
F: Violetta if that's ok?!?
N: yeah
(On the airport )
G: so I sit on b15 and vilu&fran on b17 and nina&luca on b16 and Leon&Diego on b18....
(On the flight)
V: oh oh ...
F: what??
V: it's just that I have never flight before so I'm a little bit scared....(she whispers)
F: oh it will go fine....
(At the same time Leon here's it)
V: it's just that I have never flight before so I'm a little bit scared....
L: yeah ???
D: why are you blushing ??
L:.... Uh what ?? I'm not btw
D: you are.... You heard Vilu say that and sence that you are blushing,,
(The flight is over and Fran,Vilu,Leon,Diego are staying on a different little hotel than Luca, Nina and German)
"Angie is staying on the same hotel as German and she lives in the room next to him😱😱"
-this was a little update and I will update more later-

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