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[Marianna's POV]

"What? What happened?" I asked Irene when she suddenly screamed.

"We got accepted!!" She screamed. Tonia and I looked at each other with shocked faces. Yes! We are going to Spain baby!

We started celebrating very loudly which perhaps made the other customers and the staff pretty annoyed. But who cares? It's not like it's not allowed because of the time or so.

"We are moving to Spain girls! Do you realise that?" Tonia said filled with excitement.

"It's going to be great!" I said and took a last sip of my coffee before we left.

[3 months after summer holidays]

"Okay, blue jeans, black jeans, ripped jeans, flared jeans..." I mumbled to myself while looking at the huge suitcase in front of me. I had to make sure i had everything with me and not forgetting anything because i wouldn't want to remember it late. Am i forgetting something?

"Ohh right! I need some comfortable pants.." it is almost as if i'm putting my whole closet inside a suitcase. I'm gonna need a second one for sure.

"Okay, now here comes the hard part.." i took a deep breath in before putting one open side of the suitcase above the other so i can close it. Of course, with me on top of it because...oh my sweet Jesus that thing is not closing any time soon.

[Tonia's POV]

"At first i was afraid.."
"I was petrified.."
"Kept thinking i could never live without you by my side.."

That, for sure, takes some press off of me. I thought to myself while holding my so-called remote-microphone.

"But then i spend so many nights thinking how you did me wrong, and i grew strong.." okay i have to say this but..oh my god I'm amazing. I'm a great singer. Even at the thought of that i want to cry.

"And i learned how to get along, and so you're back!" Dancing around when these lyrics came up was the ultimate goal from the beginning.

"Oh my god, honey please tell her to stop singing. My ears are hurting from all this noise.." my mother said to my father. I didn't care though 'cause i was on my tour with Whitney Houston right now and I'm singing my biggest hit.

"What am i supposed to do? She is crazy, she got it from you.." he said not bothered at all. Ugh, a typical father.

"Oh my god, Tonia! Shut the fuck up you're making whale's noises." My sister said coming out of nowhere. Not gonna lie, that was hilarious.

"Are you implying that i am not a good singer?" I asked dramatically.

"No, no i am not implying this. I'm being straight-forward, you sick lady!" She said while laughing a little in the end, with my mom of course.

"Okay, you are adopted small one. Don't get too comfortable.." i told her while storming off to my room so i can start making my suitcases. Damn, i just remembered i don't have many clothes, it won't be that hard afterall.

"Let's start pretty lady.." i told to myself before picking the suitcase up and putting it on the top of my bed.

What i really love about travelling is the preparation time. The time where we decide what we will take with us and what not. The time to think about what our airport outfits are going to be and arrange where we are going to meet before going to the check-in. The time that we plan our whole day because of excitement. The butterfly feeling is overwhelming sometimes.

[Irene's POV]

Take a deep breath in...
What scares you now, is only your self..
Exhale slowly with closed eyes..
Let's go again, take a deep brea-

Smacking the radio was the best thing i did after the finals. You cannot imagine how many times i have wanted to break something so i can relieve some of my stress. Not gonna lie it felt like i was born again.

"Okay, I can't do this.." i said while pacing back and forth. Putting the suitcase on the bed, i started stuffing it with the clothes i chose. Okay, i have to put them nicely together otherwise it would look like i threw them inside.

"Mom!!" I yelled. She didn't answer to my call so i yelled again.

"What do you want?" She asked from downstairs.

"I need your help, come upstairs please!" I could hear her scoff before she came upstairs to help me. Okay, i have to make sure I'm taking all of my clothes with me because oh my god I'm going to have a panic attack.

"Go ahead, tell me.." she told me and i took a deep breath in.

"I want to make sure i have packed everything with me." I told her.

"Yes, yes i got that. Tell me what i can do to help you.." she was a little tired when i called her so now she is just irritated but it's gonna go away soon because I'm leaving soon far away and she will miss me.

"Okay, so take this paper." I gave her a piece of paper with all of the things i've to have in college with me. So we can note down what i have and what i have forgotten.

"In this sheet, i have written all of the things that i must have with me during my stay in Spain. I'm going to name everything i packed as far, and you are going to note down beside each one that i get.." she was looking at me a bit confused and shocked but mostly confused.

"Girl, i ain't going back to school, nah-ah!" She jokingly said and i giggled.

"Mom, i have to make sure i have everything i need with me. So if i tell you i have this type of shoes with me, you are going to note down, -in whatever way you want, your choice- that we have them so in the end those categories that we have not marked we know that we need. Got that?" She looked at me dumbfounded.

"You need therapy.." she simply said and we started.

[After an hour or so]

"Okay, so we have everything!" I happily said while closing the luggage. Unfortunately, we couldn't put every clothe that i have in one suitcase so i used another one as well. Each one, was big and could fit a lot of things but sadly there was no way only ome of them could fit all of these clothes.

"Thank god! My back is in pain..thanks to you honey.." she said while caressing her back. I cracked a smile to her and hugged her.

"Thanks for your help, grannie. I appreciate it.." i said with a -so grateful- tone. She pushed me away 'mad'.

"Get your ass off of me!" I laughed at that. Bitch, she asked for it when she chose to use her irony.

"Be careful in the stairs, grandma! We cannot afford a funeral at the moment!" I shouted so she could hear me.

"That girl wants me dead..Jesus.." she mumbled to herself but i heard her. I chuckled at that and put the suitcases aside so it doesn't bother anyone. lovely room..

I'm going to miss you all for sure..

"Am i talking to my room?"
"What the fuck is wrong with me?" Oh my god, I've gone insane.

I have created moments here that i won't ever forget. It's kind of hard to leave everything behind and start something new. It's very strange, scary but also exciting. I can't really make what I'm feeling the most right now. The only thing sure is, that I'm going to miss everything here.


Till the next one, babes;)

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