Chapter 1

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Pippa's POV
Ravi was the best boyfriend I could ever ask for.
He was always the sweetest thing. Sometime I'll act like a lovesick teenager when I think about him: kicking my legs and giggling at the though of our memories together. He plans to always do something special for our anniversaries. This year Ravi is planning a picnic for our 2nd anniversary. He is going all out for it.

I was driving to the park to meet Ravi. Trying to pay attention to both the road and my phone on the stand in my air vent. I had a bottle of white wine and a carton of strawberries sitting on the passenger seat. I could see the park sign in the distance. "Maple Park" the sign read. I parked on the side of the road next to a pavilion. I got out and could see Ravi smiling and waving at me. He had already set everything up under a tree. The blanket, the basket, the snacks. It was perfect.

I walked up to Ravi with the strawberries in one hand and wine in the other. I laid the bottle against the basket and put the strawberries next to the wine. "Hey Sarge" he says with a wide smile. His smile is one of the many things I love about him. "I can't believe you still remember that nickname." I say. I sit down. I smiled at him and leaned in for a kiss. He smelled aromatic of cologne and body wash. His lips were soft against mine. I leaned away. "You smell great" I say smirking. "Thanks" he says smiling and then looking down. "You're welcome" I say. I scoot closer to him. He had brought his portable DVD player that I got him one year for Christmas. "What movie did you bring?" I ask him. "Oh," he smiles softly. "I brought The Wizard of Oz" he says as his smile widens.

We watched the movie and then headed back to my house. He arrived to my house before I did. I parked my car next to his and got out. He was standing on my porch waiting for me. I walked up to him and he greeted me with a smile. Ravi put his hands on my waist and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and ended the kiss with a hug. "I love you so much" I say to him. "I love you more" he says happily. I shuffle through my purse and grab out my house key. I unlock the door and a delicious fragrance of pumpkin spice Febreeze hits my nose. Ravi walks in behind me and puts his hands in his pockets. I set my things on the counter and put the leftover wine in the fridge.

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