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HIM I had just had a brutal ruby game, my girlfriend couldn't make it but at least she was at my house. I struggled up the stairs with weak legs and slowly opened the door into my room incase she was asleep. It was spotless as I looked around. I heard the bath running and walked into the bathroom to find her swishing bubbles around bent over the tub. She peered over her shoulder and gave me a big grin. 'Hi gorgeous' she said as she walked over to me. I dropped my kit o the floor and pulled her towards me in a tight hug, I inhaled her scent as she quietly laughed, 'I missed you' I whispered as I held her small frame against me above the floor. Her arms circled my waist she snuggled her face into my chest. 'I missed you too'. I held her there. A perfect moment until she wriggled out of my grip and grabbed my hand as she led me to the bath, it smelt like mint. 'I ran this for you, to relax whilst I sort the rest of your room out and put your kit away, there are pyjamas on the sink for you to change into when you get out'. I smiled and kissed her on the head as she let go of my hand and walked out of the room, grabbing my dirty kit and shutting the door with a click. As I sunk into the bath, I could only describe it as bliss.

HER I clicked the door shut as I left the bathroom to clean up the rest of his room, I had ridded of all the rubbish and put his dirty clothes in the washing hamper, all that was left was to put new sheets on and start a wash cycle before he got out of the bath,. Given that his mum wasn't here, I would be doing it all by myself, not that I minded, though it was nice to talk to her. The sheets I chose were a beautiful duck egg blue with matching silk pillows and a thick blanket to go over given that it was winter (and I was on my period and craved the warmth). Just as I came back from starting a wash, he emerged from the bathroom with his tartan pyjama pants hung low on his hips and his beautiful curly hair in tousles around him.

HIM I emerged from the bathroom feeling clean and exhausted, I walked up to her and pulled her into me by her waist, she rested her hands on my bare shoulders. Her cheeks went pink and I chuckled as she put her head between my shoulder and neck and breathed in deep, sighing in contentment. I circled my hands around her waist and lifted her feet off the floor and she giggled as we walked to the bed. She struggled out of my grip and put herself back on the floor 'I need to change, I'll go into the bathroom, I'll be as quick as I can'. I'm left sitting on the edge of the bed with my wrists over my knees as I watch her walk into the bathroom and close the door. She emerges only a minute later in tight vest and matching pyjama bottoms to me, I frown 'Aren't you going to be cold?' She smiles weakly 'I forgot my hoodie' and finishes with a short sigh. I frown harder and get up to rifle through drawers as I search through to find her one of mine, I find one that I've worn a couple of times and make my way over to her. She stares up at me with a look of slight confusion, I smile softly 'Lift your arms for me love', I pull the hoodie over her arms and it swallows her as she looks up at me. I chuckle deeply and pick her up to make our way over to my bed. I gently throw her down onto her back and she moves up the bed to get under the covers, I see her wince and I'm hit with a wave sadness because I know she's on her period and how bad her cramps get. Once she's comfortable I crawl to her side and lay my head in between her boobs, she laughs as I grab one of her hands and put it in my hair. She starts a steady rhythm of running her hand through my hair and the scratching her nails lightly over my back, I groan and snuggle deeper into her chest as she carries on.

HER I pick up the remote to find a show to watch as we cuddle together, I decide on a Ghibli film, can never go wrong with Nausicaä. He sighs into my chest and rubs his nose in my cleavage, getting comfortable obviously. I'm an unusually cold person so I start shivering violently about 20 minutes into the film, I try to keep it to a minimum but I'm just too cold at this moment and I'm getting really frustrated. He lifts his head and gives me a pitiful look, he's the warm one so i give him a look and he smirks at me before rolling onto his knees.

HIM I look around the room to see what I could use to make her warmer and settle for myself given that I'm a pretty warm person. She starts shuddering and I immediately grab her and lay her under the covers and place the blanket over her. She shivers and quickly plunges her arms under the covers to glue them to her body. I quickly get under the covers with her and spoon her from behind as she pushes her back into my chest. I place my arm under her neck and splay my other hand over her stomach under the band of her pyjamas, I have unusually warm hands so the relief I feel when she places her and over mine in comfort brings me great satisfaction. 'Im sorry I can't play with you hair or scratch your back anymore' she whispers. My heart soars, 'Love it's okay, your'e always my priority'. She adjusts her hand to be interlaced with mine over her stomach, the film in the background fades as I watch her breathing slow, as does mine as we fall asleep together.

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