The Last Game

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    It was already dark outside when all the players from the Vorpal Swords, the three girls and the rest of Seirin's team sat together in the cafeteria area of the building.

    Kagetora had bought a lot of food and drinks for them all to celebrate. He even brought alcohol, but seen that he was the only one allowed to drink it, the man was definitely getting a little tipsy.

    "Come on, everyone! Eat and drink your hearts out! It's a party! Let's celebrate!" Kagetora said loudly, his cheeks showing the effects the alcohol had on him.

    "Your dad sure spent a lot of money on food, didn't he Riko-chan?" Momoi commented as Riko had her head in her hands.

    "We're definitely going to be broke after this." Riko cried quietly.

    Aomine, Midorima, Akashi and Murasakibara were sitting on the same table. Murasakibara already had his left arm in a cast. It didn't really bother him as he still used that same arm to hold dozens of snacks and sweets.

    Akashi had a smile on his face as he drank some juice and heard his friends talking.

    "Geez, this is all so overboard." Aomine commented, sounding like this party was completely unnecessary.

    "I don't care since I can eat lots of food." Murasakibara replied as he stuffed his mouth.

    "Hey, you're holding a lot of them in that hand. Is that alright?" Aomine asked Murasakibara after seeing how many snacks he was carrying on his injured arm.

    "It's fine." Murasakibara assured as he ate.

    Midorima turned to look at Akashi.

    "By the way, what was that all about, Akashi?" He asked him, referring to the change Akashi had gone through just before he defeated Nash.

    "Nothing to worry about. Just felt determined to win." Akashi answered nicely, being deliberately evasive. "Let's all just enjoy the celebration, now." He added as Kise arrived at their table and stole a Pocky stick from Murasakibara.

    "Yeah, you have to admit that I was pretty cool out there!" Kise said happily before turning towards Seirin. "Am I right, Seirin?" he asked them and they looked at him without knowing how to answer his cocky claim.

    After that, the guys from Seirin looked around.

    "Don't we have people missing?" Furihata asked, making them all look around, as well.

    Kagami, Kuroko and (Y/N) weren't there with them. They looked around even more and ended up seeing the trio standing together a generous distance away from them.

    The Miracles looked at the three of them as well, noticing the tense looks they had on their faces as they spoke quietly between themselves. Even at that distance, they could tell it was something serious.

    Koganei's next words solidified their suspicions.

    "Kagami said he had something to tell us after the match." The senior boy revealed, and the rest of Seirin looked curious.

    After that, they all got up and went to meet their three friends. Kagami was ready to give them the news.

    The Miracles, Momoi, Wakamatsu, Takao and Kagetora stayed behind. It was clearly a matter between Seirin, so they wouldn't meddle.

    They were curious, though.

    Kagami led the team outside so he could finally speak to all of them.

Kuroko no Basket Movie: The Last Game (Akashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now