We will continue playing

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When (Y/N) and Kuroko got outside, Riko called for them and they went towards the team.

The others smiled at them, glad that they looked less sad about Kagami's departure. Now, they were all ready to go back to school.

Before (Y/N) could start walking, though, her phone vibrated as she received a text message.

The girl smiled when she saw who it was, but ended up chuckling when she read the message.

"I can't believe them." She commented as she put her phone away.

The message had been from Akashi. Apparently he and the other Miracles were sitting together outside the airport, watching the airplanes leave. It was their way of seeing Kagami off without actually letting him know.

(Y/N) told the others she wouldn't go back to school with them, after all. She decided she wanted to go meet her boyfriend and the others.

She asked Kuroko if he wanted to come as well, but the boy refused politely. He wanted to go back to school with the team.

(Y/N) said goodbye to all of them and promised to see them the next day at practice.

After that, she walked around the airport, eager to meet with the Miracles.

When she arrived at their location, she saw them all there together.

Akashi, Kise and Murasakibara were sitting on a bench, the later munching on a bag of chips like usual. Midorima stood next to Murasakibara and Aomine stood next to Kise.

The girl smiled and quickened her pace to go join them. Akashi smiled at her. He held out his hand for her to take and to pull her to sit on his lap sideways. The girl complied happily and her arm went around his shoulders to get more comfortable.

After looking at her face, Akashi immediately started caressing her cheek as he could see she had been crying. It was understandable, though.

Aomine huffed at seeing her like that.

"You sure look like you cried like a baby." Aomine commented.

"Are you ok, (Y/N)-chi?" Kise asked worriedly. Of course he knew why she cried, but he still worried about her.

"I'm fine, Ryota." She told him with a smile, before looking at Aomine with a peeved frown. "And of course I cried! Kagami is my third favorite person and he just left!" she told with annoyance, but also some leftover sadness.

Kise quickly turned on his seat to look at her with surprise.

"Third? Kagami-chi is your third favorite?!" he asked loudly. "No way! Who's you first and second?!" he demanded to know and the girl huffed at him.

The answer should be obvious, in her eyes.

"The first is Sei, obviously!" She said and Akashi looked at them with a smug look.

Kise gasped with indignation.

"Then I'm second, right? Right?!" he asked eagerly, but the girl frowned at him.

"Of course not. The second is Tetsuya." She clarified, sounding once again like it should have been obvious.

Kise had his mouth ajar with disbelief.

"I come after Kagami-chi?" he asked with comical sadness. "(Y/N)-chi, so mean!" he cried.

The others huffed at the blond's childish behavior.

Then, Aomine smirked as he remembered something and decided to mess with Kise a bit more.

"Hey, Akashi." He called, making the red haired and the others look at him. The only one not looking was Kise because he was occupied using his seat to cry in self-pity. "Did you know Kise proposed to (Y/N) behind your back, the other day?" Aomine asked with a big smirk, making Kise lift his head up immediately with a loud gasp.

Kuroko no Basket Movie: The Last Game (Akashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now