Chapter Eight.

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“February 13th, 1959.

Rati told me i’m improving, but it feels as though I am standing aside and letting thousands of my people continue to be hurt, killed or captured. Ramuel has noticed I am antsy, I catch him glancing at me with a look of concern. I’m just not sure how much longer I can continue on, when everyday I fail those people who are counting on me to save them. Despite it all, Rati tells me to remain patient, that my time for saving will come. What will become of me then? I save a few, knowing I could’ve saved all? My, i’m riddled with guilt, and it’s eating away at me. Sometimes the stress get’s to be so much that I began to catch aflame out of no where, and without reason. I was sitting in training, amongst others when suddenly I felt this overwhelming rage. Without further pretense I caught aflame in the greatest inferno that I have omitted since this entire ordeal started. I think I’m losing my mind.

Lilobeth the Third.

Amara sighs as she leans back from her awkward pose. It was making her neck hurt. Brown eyes glanced up and at the different angels in various undertakings and such. Some trained under the morning sun, hand to hand combat as fellow angels watched, awaiting a turn. Across the way, a group were doing various stretches and not far from them a small group practiced yoga. Amara twirled her neck a few times in an attempt to stop the pain from looking down for so long as she turned to gaze out at the mass of angels. She noticed someone walking with a fast pace, books nearly slipping from their hands per usual. She sat the book on her lap, closing it and tucking it into her crossbody before standing and making her way over. 

“Germael!” She hollered as she got closer, jogging her way across the huge courtyard as they glanced up. As she reached them, she took half the books from their slender arms and they let out a huge sigh of relief as they twisted their arm this way and that and then adjusted their golden colored glasses. There was a slight chill that blanketed the air, cold enough that every puff of warm air that left them was prominent in it’s misty cloud that left them when they exhaled. 

Germael was dressed for the cold, Amara figured their slender frame didn’t fare well in the cold. She smiled at them as they grinned, a flash of perfect teeth.

“Amara! Just the lady I was looking for. Florence is looking for you.” They stated with a small smile, and Amara raised a brow as she drifted into her thought. Florence was looking for her? 

“-Mara. Amara!” Germael raised a suspicious brow at her and she apologetically smiled at them, giving them a gentle pat on the shoulder and then setting the books carefully back onto their arm before turning and running off with a wave behind her. 

Germael grunted under the weight as they sighed and turned in the direction they’d originally been headed with a fond shake of their head. 

Amara searched all over, before she finally found Florence in the war room. She awkwardly adjusted her crossbody bag and stepped in the room quietly. Glancing around, she saw a few of her fellow angels peering over the large map that lay across the table, being held down by various books and a single paper weight. Florence stood in the center, a lock of blonde hair rebelling against her perfect ponytail as she leaned over, trailing a finger along the map and muttering quietly to her audience as they all listened with serious expressions. Amara decided to make her presence known by a gentle rap at the door.

All heads lifted her way, and she fidgeted in the doorway awkwardly. “Sorry, am I interrupting? Is this a bad time? I can always come back-” 

Florence turned to her fully with a small quirk of her lips at Amara’s predictable rambling. 

“You’re just on time. I was just going over our plans for tomorrow.”

Upon hearing these words, Amara slowly made her way over, shuffling through the small crowd to stand across from the table and across from Florence. The low lighting of the room reflected on each of the angels faces, emitting a gentle glow that hazed over the room. She settled, leaning her palms onto the table. 


“Did you even listen to the meeting yesterday, Amara?” a familiar voice next to her asked fondly and she turned to find Lottie smirking at her. He was dressed in a green henley shirt along with a pair of black cargo trousers that were tucked carefully into black combat boots. His hair was slightly damp as if he had just left the shower. 

“Too busy looking at a certain someone I suppose?” He muttered and when she turned to glare at him he grinned boyishly at her and she nudged him with a playful roll of her eyes. A clear of her throat had them turning their attemption back to the Captain who was glaring at them. Amara raised a brow but the blonde shook her head and placed her palms in a mirror stance to Amara’s own.

She glanced up at Amara with a raised brow, “Tomorrow, we have a mission. We’re going to check out some reports we’ve heard of sightings of demons in the area.”
Florence turned around, grabbing a small rolled up page that was held together by a small leather cord. She turned back to the group, removing it carefully from the tie and placing the paper down, spreading it out with her hands as she grabbed the paper weight and placed it in the middle. The corners curled a bit, but you could still see it fairly well. There was a map, all ruler straight corners and labels of different key points. Red circles ring around different spots along the map. Florence tapped a point on the map that had been circled. 

“This is our first location. We will visit five separate areas. These are what we’ll call our hotspot, multiple people reported sightings here, so we basically are just going to check it out. Now, I want you all to make sure you have-”

Amara stored away the rest of the information, and soon the meeting was over and Florence dismissed them. She stayed behind, however and sat on top of the table as Florence worked to roll up the huge map that had been laid across it. A sigh left her as she tilted her head to watch the Captain finish putting the stuff away. Finally the girl turned around, leaning against the far edge of the table.

“I wanted to talk to you about tomorrow.” 

“Didn’t we just talk about it?” Amara played with a pencil she picked up as she spoke, trying to ignore the blue eyes baring into her. 

“No, I mean.. This is your first mission Amara. A dangerous one at that. While it may seem surface level easy, nothing good ever comes out of a mission like this. Father must have seen some sort of veracity to these reports or he wouldn’t send this many angels.” The girl explained with a sigh as she crossed her arms over her henley. Amara glanced away so the other girl wouldn't catch her quite literally looking at her forearms.

“I just want to make sure you’re one hundred percent ready. I don’t want to lead you into something that you’re not ready for.”

Amara sat the pencil down and moved off the table, turning around to look down at the captain. 

“Captain, I’ll be fine. I’ve got to see action at some point, right?” She smiled down at the girl who glared at the wall in front of her with a set jaw. Amara placed a gentle hand on the girl’s shoulder and smirked misheviously.

“It’s nice you’re worried about me though.” She stated with an ever widening grin as Florence turned on her so fast she worried the shorter girl would get whiplash. Blue eyes glared up at the psion as she spluttered out a, “I do not!” indignantly. 

Amara chuckled a little, crossing her arms and nodding as she leaned sideways towards the short Captain.

“Mhm. Mhm. Thank you for the kind word’s Captain. You really know how to make a girl swoon.”

The shorter girl looked as if she was going to explode, but she just took a deep breath and stalked out of the room.

“Bye, Florence!” Amara cackled as she too left the war room and headed off to find her friends.

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