Chapter Five.

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Lottie was right. Patrol did in fact start super early. She was awoken by Winters, a dark skinned Angel with vibrant blue eyes and a scar along her nose, gently shaking her awake while Lottie, Florence, and Omari stood behind them quietly.

As they made their way out on horseback before the sun even rose, Amara briefly had the realization that this was her first time being outside of the base since she had been kidnapped. She supposed if she wanted to she could dig her heels into this horses side and take off, but Florence would have drawn her bow before Amara could yell a “hee-yah!” She sighed a bit wistfully at the thought. Though, now that she knows (or has a decent idea) of what she is, she can’t bring herself to be all that eager to escape. Not with the resounding hope they have for her being the (supposed, but not seeming to have all that much truth with the diary currently residing in her cross sack. She brought herself back to the present. She was traversing in the middle of them, whether on purpose or not, she wasn’t all too sure. A sigh rumbled through her, and a puff of air floated as her warm breath hit the morning chill from the mountains. She rubbed her hands together to gain some warmth.

Florence suddenly came to a stop, lifting her hand and the quiet talking amongst the group immediately halted. It was only seconds later when a whizzing sound filed through the otherwise quiet forest. Amara couldn’t place what it was until a loud agonized scream came from behind her and she immediately turned just in time to see Amari take an arrow through the shoulder and go falling off his horse.

I am not the only traveler.

“Shit, It’s am ambush!”

“What are they doing inside of the walls Captain!?” 

“Omari! Fuck!” 

Who has not repaid his debt.

The confusion was amped up as more arrows whizzed and finally they all dropped off their horses, hitting the ground in an attempt to hide from the blitz that had taken them all by surprise. Lottie crawled over to Omari, checking for a pulse with shaking fingers. They had all taken up place behind a large rock wall, arrows still flying overhead. 

Florence took up aim, firing her bow with precision. Winters followed suit. 

“Shit! He’s alive, but not for long. We’ve gotta fall back, Captain!” 

There was a silence as Florence furrowed her brows, looking torn. Amara stared at her, waiting for the okay to get the fuck out of here.

I’ve been searching for a trail to follow, again.

“CAPTAIN! WE’RE LOSING HIM!” Lottie’s voice cracked as it echoed along the courtyard, amongst the chaos. 

“Shit. Fall back! Split up and re-group at the starting point!” 

Take me back, to The Night We Met.

Florence turned to Amara, blue eyes gazing desperately into hers as she yelled over the chaos. 

“Amara, we need a cover to break off, can you do it?” 

And then I can tell myself.

Amara was quiet for a pause, eyes burning but she nodded resolutely.

“Great. We believe in you.” She stated before giving two sharp whistles. 

What the hell i’m supposed to do,

And then I can tell myself.

Amara took a deep breath, standing quickly and summoning a large wall of flame that burst out of the ground. Lottie and Winter’s grabbed Omari, working to hoist him as they disappeared around a large tree and further into the forest, feet light.

Not to ride along with you.

“Amara! Let’s go!” Amara walked backwards, trying not to think about the screams of agony erupting from the other side of the wall as she very nearly collided with Florence as she dropped the wall, and they took the moment of disorientation as an opportunity. Florence grabbed Amara’s hand, and they took off in the opposite direction their fellow Angel’s had gone. Amara lost track as Florence weaved them through various trees and bushes, brushes and thorns. Sweat slicked her hair to her head, and all she could do was focus on one foot in front of the other and the Captain’s hand in hers. The only sounds were them moving and the panting that followed. 

I had all and then most of you, some and now

Finally, Amara tugged on the shorter girls sweaty hand, slowing down to catch her breath. 

None of you. 

Oh, take me back to The Night We Met.

“I think- we lost them.” She struggled to catch her breath as she held up a finger, “Just a- Just a moment and we can continue.” She dropped to her knees, moving to sit back on her heels as she swung open the cross sack and producing a small canteen. Taking a few gulps, she offered it to the Captain, who hesitated before taking the offered item. She drank slowly, her chest rising and falling with the effort. Dressed in her armor (which coudn;t have been all that comfortable), she sighed as she rested her head against the tree.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, 

“Oh fuck. That’s a lot of blood.” 

Haunted by the ghost of you,

Oh, take me back to The Night We Met.

Seeing as it was only a patrol, they hadn’t gotten all suited up. Florence was only in a white button up and a leather breastplate tunic. Amara could clearly see where the womans sleeves clung to her bicep, a stream of deep maroon was beginning to stain the white fabric.

When the night was filled with terrors, 

“Ah, I must’ve been nicked when the ambush started.” Florence glanced down at the wound, watching the stain with little interest. 

And your eyes were filled with tears.

“You- “ Amara groaned before swinging her cross body over her lap and digging inside, eventually procuring a roll of bandages that she held up triumphantly while letting out a small “aha!”

When you had not touched me yet, 

Oh, take me back to The Night We Met.

Florence was jut watching her amusedly, the canteen still loosely gripped in her hands. Amara raised a brow as she gestured to Florence’s rapidly staining sleeve and the girl sighed.

“Amara, it truly is fine. It’s only a small scratch. We really should be getting going and- oomf!” Amara shoved a hand over the girls mouth and abruptly tore the sleeve of her arm dress. Assessing the damage, it was a little larger than a scratch but not bad enough to need stitches. She took her pocket knife, cutting off the excess fabric of the girls shirt and then foregoing the knife to use her teeth to rip the bandage itself before wrapping it carefully around the girls bicep as she spoke.

“Parkel has been teaching me some basic medical tips.” She explained quietly. Florence raised her eyes from watching the girl work to bring her blue gaze onto Amara’s brown from underneath her thick lashes. Amara had to stop herself from sucking in a breath at the sight.

“You’ve been talking with Parkel?” 

“Why, you jealous?” Amara giggled quietly, and Florence raised a brow.

“And if I was?”

Amara’s hands stilled on the girls arm, glancing up to find blue eyes watching her amusedly. Amara scoffed as she dropped the girls arm, leaning back in shock.

“Was that a joke, Captain?”


Amara laughed quietly, before standing and holding out a hand.

“Come on, we need to find the rest of the guys.” Florence wrapped her hand in Amara’s once more and once on her feet, they began their trek back up through the woods and towards the meeting point. 

Amara smiled to herself.

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