Chapter 1.

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While a storm was at it's peak, and the rivers were going wild, the trees snapping and clouds were covering all the stars, deep into the forest, lost in the dark was a cabin. While from the outside it would appear to be abandoned in this night of full darkness, destiny was unraveling itself. Throw the hall, in a small room, with nothing but candlelight a baby was being born. Muffled screams were heard and stamping of shoes on the wooden floor. The woman took out the rag from her mouth and shouted.
"I CANT!!. I can't do it anymore. Help me." She yelled to the midwife. The midwife looked to the woman walking next to the bed who just shook her head before sitting down on the bed and turned to the woman in agony.
"You got yourself into this mess, now you get yourself out of it." She said as she squeezed her face and got up from the bed. " One more push, a big one, and it will be over." Said the midwife. As one of her assistance grabbed the woman's hands for support as she began to push. As the sound of growl and pain filled the room soon was replaced by sounds of relief as the woman relaxed for a moment until noticing the baby wasn't crying. " What is happening, why isn't it crying." The woman started to panic and getting up before she was pushed back down and grabbed by the woman. "It's batter this way." The woman sad in a cold voice. " No, no please let me see it" The woman plead as she was heald down. " Forget it, it isdone."
"You can save it, you have magic, please." She pleaded more and more as she was looking at the midwife wrapping the baby into a sheet before ruffly pulled back to face the cold woman. "I know I can, but I won't do it. You know the rules, it would have been killed anyway because our laws forbid an abomination like that to live, not only that but you too would be dead, do you understand me.!" The woman started to cry, even more, she know the risk from the start, she know the laws she was breaking. A witch that mates with a werewolf doesn't get disowned, shamed, or thrown out from the coven. She gets a death sentence. " Let me hold it once, just once.." She pleaded. " No. " The woman responded before turning to the midwife.
"Take it out, deep into the forest and leave it there, then come back to fix her. We have to get back before they do." As the midwife put her cloak on she disappeared with the baby in her arms as all it was left behind were screams and cries. Now deep into the forest, the midwife hurried as she was no longer in the territory, scared to be discovered she left the baby by the tree and fled fast not looking back, not feeling remorse, after all, she only cared about getting her pay. And there it was. Lying in the darkness, left in the storm but soon enough the clouds in the sky parted and the moon shined over the baby as a figure of a woman appeared from thin air, materializing from nothing and kneeling before the baby.
"My poor child," she said before taking it into her arms. " For you, my dear, I have other plans." She waved her hand over the baby's head shining bright white light over it and suddenly the baby started crying and it opened its eyes. " Yes my beautiful girl, cry, they will find you soon." She then put the baby down and vanished as the sound of people coming was getting louder. " Careful we are near the border." A man said. " I hear something, come on..." She said as she came to see the baby. " Oh, my goddess. "
She said as the man put down his weapon and took the baby into its arms. "Candice let's get it inside, it will freeze here." Candice took his weapon from the floor. "I can't believe someone would do this Derek, werewolf's don't leave their pubs around just like that." Derek snuggled the baby under his jacket to keep it warm. "She is a werewolf, I can sense it." The rain started to pour harder again. " Let go, we need to get inside," Candice said as she followed Derek back to the house.

22 years later

Kaya's point of view

Pulling in our driveway, I could already smell Mom's freshly baked cookies. I never know just how much I miss them until I come back from a trip. As I hoped out of my jeep, dad come out from the house.
"The runaway pub has returned," Dad said as he came to me embracing me in a warm hug.
"I didn't run away, I had a job to do," I said as I pulled out from his arms. I went in the back to take my bag out.
"We really don't like you going throw the border, into the human world."
I took a deep breath before looking at dad again.
"There is nothing they can do to me even if they tried, and besides some common ground we must have since we do use the saim money and we take the privilege of their technology, not to mention your love for football."
"Yes, but that doesn't mean I like my daughter hunting their worst." He said while takeing my bag from me.
"It's a job, and one very well paid. I'm a bounty hunter, when they can't find someone I do it for them, You and I know I have abilities they can"t compare to, I'm a natural tracker and I can heal. Plus as I said its well paid."
"What is taking you so long, lunch is getting cold." Suddenly we heard a voice from the door.
"Mom!." I said as I ran to her and hugged her tightly.
"What is that I smell, is it blood?" She said.
"It's nothing, it's  healed. Just a graze, nothing more." She just looked at my dad.
" That's it, Derek, this was the last time, we are not letting her leave again even if we have to chain her up."
"Ok, let's not go to the extremes here," I said.
"Let's go eat, for now, I'm starving." Said dad.
"You always are." Mom and I said at the same time causing us all to laugh as we walked into the house.
"Where are Jack and Sofia?" I asked.
"They should be here any minute now,Sofia is just finishing at the bakery,and Jack..." Mom paused.
"And Jack?" I asked.
"Jack was selected to train in the manor, he made cauncil." Said dad.
"What, no but he wants to be a doctor not someone who..."
"It's an honor to be chosen... to serve the future Alpha." Said mom with a level of despair.
"My brother is meant for more,his dream is to help his kind, you know that. You know that since you bought him that microscope when he was eight."
"We know." Dad said as he patted my sholder. "But as your mother said, this is an honor and Jack gladly accepted to serve the new Alpha as a part of his cauncil, when the time comes."
"Does that mean he doesn't live here any more?"
"Don't worry sis, I can smell mom's cookies from miles away." Jack said as he came throw the door.
"Hey sis." He gave me a hug.
"And so the favorite daughter has returned." Said Sofia, We all turned to look at her, and started to laughing. She was cover in flour from head to toe,her usual blonde hair now white and the fact that she mostly wore black did not help.
"Very funny you guys, may I remind you Jack that I am your twin not her."
"Sofia." Mom said. "Why don't you go change so we can have lunch, in peace."
"Not hungry." She said as she walked out and ran upstairs.
"She is 24, how long does she mean to act like 16 for ?" Jack said it in a humorous tone.
"And you are 24 and act like 44, maybe it something changing in our DNA, some doctor should do some research on it."
"Just beacuse I made council doesn't mean my life is over, it just made a slight turn thats all."
"You always have to be such an optimist Jack." I said. "Let me go wash my hand and I'l be down in a minute." I grabbed my bag and run upstairs, even thou Sofia and me shared the room I knocked on the door before going inside.
"Why do you bother knocking when I can hear you coming?" She said.
"I don't know, out of respect for your privacy,you are my big sister."
I said as I sat down on my bed on the opposite side of her.
"Since you got change why don't you come down so we can have lunch together, I want to know whats new."
"There is nothing new here Kaya, nothing ever happened here. Thats why you go to the city anyways." Sofia said as she brushed her blond hair. My sister was a looker,her gray eyes looked spectacular behind long black lashes. You could cut yourself on her cheekbones, not to mention her perfect complexion and full pink lips. Jack shared his eyes and blond hair with her,but his face had softer lines and his lips a bit thiner. I on the other hand had dark brown hair, I wasn't tan but still not as fair skinned like Sofia and Jack. My eyes green and lips naturally tinted red. Aperently I resembled dad's grandmother.
"I have something for you,when I saw it I immediately thought of you." I took out of my bag a small box and gave it to her. When she opend it, I couldn't really read her face.
"The earrings are made with moonstone.At least that was what the woman told me.I don't know if thats true but they go perfectly with your eyes." She took them out of the box and put them on her ears.
"How do they look?" She asked me.
"Perfect.They were made for you."
She got up and went to look herself in the mirror, I could hear her heart pounding in her chest.
"Sofia, what is going on?"
She stayed silent for a second longer before...
"Mira found her soulmate today." Ohh that.
"She is 19, and she found her's and yet here I am 24 and still nothing." I hate the presure our society is puting on werewolf to find our soulmates, Its not like we have any control over it.
"Hey, there is nothing to worry about, Jack dosn't have a soulmate yet and neither do I."
"Maybe we are cursed." She said makeing me laugh.
"Trust me Sofia, we are to boring to be cursed. Now lets go eat, I'm starving." I said as I took her hand and draged her downstairs with me.
As we were haveing lunch and I was surrounded by my family which I love and miss,in the back of my mind I was thinking about the next time I will leave them.  I never said this to anyone but being here on the pack territory is suffocating me. It's always been that way. And when I go to the human word, it dosn't get better but it's like  the search helps me block that feeling, and it distracts my wolf Safire.Just as I felt relaxed,my head resting on dad's sholder, Safire called to me in my mind.
"We have company." She said at the same time a knock wah heard on the door. Jack got up and went to open the door.
It was, as I liked to call them "the royal guards" aka the werewolfs who worked closely to the Alphas family.
"I said I would come back by the end of the day." Jack said.
"We are not here for you Jack." A man in a black suit said before takeing a step inside and locking his eyes with me he said. "Our Luna would love a word with you, Kaya."

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