Chapter 11

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The Wens and Wei Wuxian made their way to Qishan, the journey unfolding over the past two days since departing from Cloud Recesses. As they paused to rest by the roadside, a serene river flowed nearby, and the scent of freshly caught fish permeated the air. The group indulged in their makeshift meal, savoring the flavors of their impromptu feast. Yet, Wei Wuxian, despite being physically present, seemed lost in contemplation as he sat by the fire, his gaze fixated on the dancing flames.

Observing Wei Wuxian's distant demeanor, Wen Chao couldn't resist voicing his curiosity. "What's wrong with you? I thought you were eager to leave. Regretting your decision already?"

Wei Wuxian, tearing his gaze away from the fire, met Wen Chao's inquisitive eyes with a slight shake of his head. "It's nothing."

Unconvinced, Wen Chao persisted, adopting a teasing tone. "So, it has nothing to do with what your sister and Lan Wangji were caught doing?"

Wen Qing scolded her brother sharply, her disapproval evident in her expression. The siblings exchanged stern glances for a few tense seconds. Wen Chao, undeterred, redirected his attention back to Wei Wuxian, a sly grin playing on his face. "Don't tell me that alpha caught your eye," he prodded, a hint of insinuation in his voice.

Wei Wuxian remained silent, enduring Wen Chao's scrutinizing gaze. Unfazed, Wen Chao continued with a teasing tone, "I knew he was up to no good." With that, he nonchalantly finished eating his fish, effectively concluding the conversation. The group lingered a while longer by the riverside before resuming their journey, the unspoken tension echoing in the air.

As they journeyed, Wen Ning, still young and brimming with innocence, delighted in pointing out various animals along their path. He chased butterflies with unbridled enthusiasm and gathered flowers to present to his sister. Wen Qing smiled warmly at her younger brother, ruffling his hair in affection. Witnessing this tender moment, Wei Wuxian was reminded of similar instances with his own sister, where she would smile just as radiantly and playfully tap his nose—an image now tinged with the bittersweet realization that those carefree days were behind him.

Their leisurely walk took an unexpected turn when Wen Chao abruptly halted, his senses on high alert. Gripping his sword tightly, he announced, "Father sent his guards." Wen Qing and Wen Ning swiftly surveyed their surroundings.

"Why has father sent you, Wen Zhuliu? We're already on our way back. There's no need for you to be here," Wen Chao dismissed with a hint of irritation.

Wen Zhuliu, the Wen siblings' father's trusted right-hand man and bodyguard, materialized before them. "Your father wanted to ensure your safe return. With all the rumors circulating, there are likely many who wish you harm." His gaze shifted beyond the Wen siblings to the omega in black and red robes. "Which sect does he belong to?" he inquired curiously.

Wei Wuxian bowed respectfully. "I am Wei Wuxian, and I have no clan. I wish to join your sect."

Wen Zhuliu responded with a mocking laugh. "What makes you think Wen Ruohan will let you enter? Or perhaps," he looked at Wen Chao with curiosity, "are you bringing him as your personal whore, like the other one? What was her name? Oh, yes... Wang Lingjiao."

Wen Chao growled at Wen Zhuliu, who only grinned in response. "As long as he can perform duties like your current bitch I suppose it's fine. Anyways, I'll be supervising from a distance. I don't want to be bored walking back to Qishan with four teenagers. What a bore," he pretended to yawn before departing.

Seething with frustration, Wen Chao stomped his feet and tightened his grip on his sword. Wen Zhuliu's words had struck a nerve. Unsheathing his sword, he unleashed his rage upon a nearby tree. Each strike resonated with his anger, and his pheromones signaled the intensity of his emotions. The air crackled with tension as he vented his pent-up frustration on the unsuspecting trunk. The surroundings echoed with the echoes of his fury.

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