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A few days later, Tae was walking home from Jungkook's when he saw his grandfather outside Jin's house. He slowed down his walking and looked over curiously. He had never seen him laugh that way before. And a strange feeling came over him.

He continued to his house and walked inside. The first thing he saw was his father standing by the large window looking across the street.

"I'm home." Tae says to no one in particular.

His father turns to glance at him before turning back to look outside. "Your hal-abeoji seems to have found a new friend. Don't you think that's strange?"

Tae goes to stand next to him and they see them walk into Jin's house.

"I don't know. I haven't really thought about it."

His father then turns and says, "It's weird. If he wants someone to talk to he should talk to his daughter or even you or your sister."

He then walks away as Tae frowns, unsure of what to think.


When Jin first met Tae's grandfather, he was surprised that he came over just to meet him. He didn't even know that his grandfather living with them. He walked over to them while he and Jimin were hanging outside. He wore a huge smile that resembled Tae's and introduced himself. And thus began a routine of him visiting them often.

He was pleasantly surprised to know how entertaining Tae's grandfather was. He spent hours talking about his life with his wife. And how different it is to be dependent on his daughter. How he knows his son-in-law only agreed to take him in because of his daughter.

Jin doesn't know Tae's father that well but he knows that he's not very friendly. And never returns his greetings whenever he tells him 'Hello' here and there.

But he knows that Tae's mother is very nice and she's always helping them when needed. There have been several times when Jin's father wasn't around and his mother needed a ride somewhere so Tae's mother would help. And always did so with a smile.

That got Jin to thinking about his baking and he began to feel bad that he hasn't shared his creations with Tae's family. He thought if people were willing to pay for his baking then it must be delicious. So he began to make extras and take it to them about once a week.

The first time he went over to give them a small cake he made. He put lots of love and care into it and was actually very proud of it.

Taehyung opened the door that morning and saw the delicious looking cake. He smiled happily and that made Jin's day. And that smile alone convinced him to continue doing it.

But when Jin returned home and Taehyung brought the cake inside it received mixed reactions from his family.

Tae's mother and his grandfather were delighted to receive the cake. But Tae's father immediately turned his nose up at it. He has never cared for Jin's family. He hated how their house was a bit shabby looking and the yard needed tending to. But mostly he hated how Jin's father was what he called a dreamer.

He worked at random jobs to support his family and his wife would work the occasional temp job to contribute. He could never hold a regular job because he had to care for his older brother who was institutionalized since he was very young. And would get called often to come calm his brother down when he had a bad episode. Which happened often.

So whatever money they had left over after paying their basic bills went towards his brother's care. To help ease his stress, he took up painting. And would often be seen outside their house painting. And to Tae's father appeared to be a bum.

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