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When Taehyung got to school that morning, he searched for Jin everywhere so he could try to apologize. But when he found him, Jin turned to walk another way when he saw him. His best friend Jimin being the only one who would acknowledge him by flipping him off and miming death threats to him.

That continued for days and it was bothering Tae so much that he hurt Jin that way. And getting more and more scared of his little protector by the day.

Things went from bad to worse when he returned home from school one day and his mother announced that she had invited the entire Kim family over for dinner. The news was well received by So-hyun and his grandfather. But as usual, his father was not very happy about it.

"Why are we hosting a dinner now after so long? Wouldn't it be better to just have a small barbecue?" He asked.

"I've been feeling bad for not inviting them over when we first moved in. It would have helped build a better friendship from the beginning, don't you think?"

"No.. in fact I think it's too late for that."

"I don't care what you think. I have already invited them and that's that. And I expect you to be on your best behavior when they get here."

Tae's father sighed, not wanting to instigate any more trouble.

Meanwhile, at Jin's house. He has also just returned home from school along with Jimin.

"Eomma! I'm home. Jimin is here and he's hungry!"

Jimin punches him in the arm as they both walk into the kitchen. They find Jin's mother mopping the floor furiously.

"Eomma? Are you ok?"

She faces him but continues mopping and says, "Yeah, just burning off my nervous energy I guess."

"Why? What happened?"

She finally stops when Jin's father enters the kitchen.

"The Kim's.. the other Kim's.. have invited us all over to their house for dinner. And I accepted."

"So why are you mopping up our house? Shouldn't she be the one mopping her house?" Jin's father tells her.

She laughs and says, "I don't know why.. I just felt I needed to."

"Um.. do we all have to go?"

"Yes, she wants the whole family to go."

Jin then looked at Jimin who patted his shoulder. "Tough luck Jin-ah."

Jin was ravenous when he first got home, but after hearing the news he just decided to go to his room.

He and Jimin plopped on the bed and complained about life. He was bound and determined to tell his mother that he wasn't going and even went downstairs to tell her. Mentally preparing for the argument he was about to start. But when he got downstairs he could hear his parents whispering while his mother was busy baking something to take to the dinner.

"Why do we all have to go sweetheart? You know that awful man has a very low opinion of us. Why should we subject our children to that?"

"I just.. I really want to go. I know you don't understand, but I spend every single day here with just the housework and cooking to keep me busy. I don't have anyone to talk to except when I yell at the TV. And I think it would be nice to be friends with her. She's always been so nice. She's not anything like her husband. Can you please, just for one night put up with that condescending asshole?"

Jin's father walks over to hug her and says, "Ok.. I will do it just for you. I love you."

Jin hears her giggle and say, "I love you too."

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