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BROWN EYES SCANNING, the people around him, Kenji crossed his arms with a low huff, upset that he wasn't by Y/Ns side at the moment, and also a little worried about what she would do alone. He hoped she actually wouldn't get any ideas instead of deciding to socialize. It really bugged him, and sometimes he even wished that he could just stay to himself without his family spreading rumors about him or calling him some kind of crazy person, as if that wasn't what he was since he did have a woman he was holding captive at the moment. It wasn't like they knew that though, so that kind of hurt him.

While Kenji relaxed with his back to a random door, that's when he spotted his younger brother, Kenzou, walking up to him with the same warming smile he had plastered over his lips. Kenji didn't say anything. He just raised an eyebrow and looked the younger boy up and down, wondering what it was he was going to start talking about now.

"Kenji. You made it. I didn't even know you would show up... How come you never say hi to anyone when you stop by?" Kenzou questioned while he kept the same smirk on his face as if he didn't just hurt his brothers feelings in many different ways. In the older bothers eyes, he was basically calling him an anti-social loser that didn't know how to speak to people even though that wasn't the case at all.

Awkwardly chuckling at the younger boys little enthusiasm, that's when Kenji reached his hand out to pat his shoulder gently, returning the action his brother did by giving him a small smile as well, "I don't know these people that well, Kenzou... I only come here to spend time with you, mom, and Keitaro. Hah, and I barley see the two of you around."

"Well that's because you don't even bother to look for us. I was with mother the entire time, and you were just here." The shorter boy with dark hair that reached down his shoulders added, a new serious look coming over his eyes.

Kenji furrowed his eyebrows while he inspected his younger brothers face, now noticing how different he looked from the last time he'd seen him. He was extremely taller than before, but not tall enough to beat Kenji in height. He had long hair now, and he swore he could even see a little bit of facial hair already coming in, "Yeah, yeah. Enough about that. I know you missed me. Now, is that a mustache I'm seeing?"

Piping up at the mention of the little bit of hair that was currently growing against his soft skin, Kenzou then reached a few fingers up to the space underneath his nose and grazed them up against it, "Y-You could tell...!?"

"Of course I could tell! I'm your brother, and I notice everything!" The older teen bursted out laughing before he contained himself, sensing some judging stares on himself as he calmed down and lightly placed a hand over his mouth, "You should get rid of it though, you know mom doesn't like to acknowledge the fact that her children get older and don't stay the same age forever."

Kenzou frowned a little while he let his arm swing back down to his side, his hair brushing against his shoulders as he slumped over with a little pout, "What? You really think I should get rid of it? Just like that..?"

Shrugging at the younger boy, that's when he watched as his breath hitched in panic, wondering if he should just get rid of it now before it grew some more. After all, he didn't want to disappoint his mother in any kind of way, so if shaving was the best thing to do for her approval, he would've, "I mean.... You're only fourteen, turning fifteen soon. Do you think you need that right now?"

"I-" Kenzou was cut off by the feeling of a long arm slinging over his shoulder, causing him to look over his shoulder only to make eye contact with his other older brother that went by the name Keitaro.

He was frowning so it was clear he was feeling left out, but it wasn't like he was looking out for the two neither. He was too busy entertaining everyone else until they were all ready to move onto whoever else they wanted to speak with as well, "Hey, having brother time without me you two??"

"Yeah, that's what we're doing. It's not like you weren't entertaining thirty other people over there, it's our bad, Kei." The shorter brother chuckled out, glancing over at the middle sibling that smirked at him, watching the way his eyes shinned since he knew he would always want either of his brothers approval no matter what.

Keitaro pulled his arm away from Kenzou and gave him an aggressive pat on his shoulder, resulting in him to choke out a little from how unexpected that was, "Can't help that I'm the life of the party. You guys don't need to be jealous... Anyway, what were you guys talking about? Not me, right?"

"Nah, we were just talking about how much of a loser I am. I hate these things. I don't even know why mom invites us to these if she's just gonna talk to some other people we don't know." The middle brother shook his head, trying to hold in with his laughter.

The oldest brother pushed a hand over his head, running it over his buzz as he laughed along with his other brother, "I know right, like, I don't care about some old woman that used to wipe my ass in two thousand three-"

"Ahhh! And here are my precious boys!" The short haired male was cut off by the familiar voice of his mother gentle voice, causing him to turn around with no look on his face. He just looked at the woman that stood beside his mom up and down with nothing to say because he already knew what was about to happen.

"Oh my god! I haven't seen them in so long...!" There was a long pause as she inspected the young men that stood in front of her, and then there was a confused look that came over her face, "Uh.. W-What were their names again, hehe...?"

The mother mentally facepalmed as she put out a hand and reached it to Keitaro, Kenji, and then Kenzou, "Keitaro, my oldest, Kenji, my second, also my heart, and Kenzou, my baby. Aren't they just so handsome?!"

"Yes.. yes they are! I remember when I would change these boys...! I can hardly tell the difference between them! They are so identical, it's almost scary to me! I can only see how different they are because Kenzou has long hair, Keitaro has the shorter hair, and Kenjis is medium length! Bless the beautiful young men you've raised!!"

Once the random encounter was finished, the three boys mother pulled away the other older woman and they all turned to eachother with a sigh before Kenji spoke up and rolled his dark eyes, his point immediately being proven after what had just happened, "See, I told you."

Kenzou pursed his lips and turned to his side slightly, his eyes landing on a H/C haired female before he murmured a short, "Yeah, It's not like we didn't believe you anyway..."

The two brothers realized that Kenzous attention had been taken away, so they both trailed their eyes to where he was staring only to see a sleeping woman with deep eyebags underneath her eyes. She wasn't moving a muscle. She was just there, resting with obvious exhaustion, "I feel so bad for her..."

The middle brother stared at Kenzou from the corner of his eyes, recognizing the woman's face but not being able to make out where he knew her from. He then hummed a little, deciding to question his brother on the lady, "Why? Who is she?"

"She's the mother of that girl that went missing. Her name was Y/N. She's been friends with our mom, didn't you know?? I even spoke with Y/N a few times, but it's not like she would remember me because it was only like, three times. I just hope she's okay though. She seemed like a cool person..."

With those words, Kenji could've sworn he felt his heart sink deeper inside of his body, and although he somehow still didn't feel regret about literally kidnapping the girl, he cursed to himself inside of his head for not planning it beforehand because now there were probably signs he didn't know about. He didn't understand how he stalked her, yet he didn't even know that her mother was acquainted with his own. He didn't even remember her face because he was too focused on her daughters.

There was a sigh from older sibling that bit the inside of his cheek while he frowned a little, actually feeling hurt by what he'd just heard, "Oh, damn... I hope they find her."

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