06: Love

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Meeting  is already done and the members are starting to leave. I walk down the stairs and went to the only girl who's in my gang.

She's fixing her uniform, patiently waiting for me under the tree, but she looks bored.

"Sen," I called her to get her attention, she stopped fixing her uniform and look at me.

She rolled her eyes, "Took you so long! I'm hungry, the meeting tooks forever." She ranted before walking towards my bike.

I chuckled, "I know, I know. I'm also hungry now, let's eat Doroyaki."

She puts her helmet on, "Doroyaki as a dinner is a no, 'Jiro."

I just laughed, how I love that nickname. She's the only one who called me that and I liked it, my name is does sounds really better when she says it.

I started the engine and she automatically wrapped her arms around my waist.

I checked first if she's sitting comfortably before driving. She loves it when I drive so fast and I always do, so that she will always love to ride me—the bike I mean.

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask her while driving.

"Hmm? I want you to cook for me. You know how to cook, right?" She said with such a teasing voice.

I rolled my eyes even if she doesn't see it, "Be thankful that I love you." I muble.

"Hm? What did you whisper about?" She ask while playing with my shirt, I just shake my head.

"Nothing to he worried about, love ."

She suddenly slapped my tummy, "Stop calling me that!" She shouted, she even buried her face at my back and I know she's embarrassed.

"Ehem. Why aren't you with Draken or Takemichi?" She ask, changing the topic.

"Because, I'm with you? Duh."

"What the—AAAHHHH!" Her sentence was cut off when I drive the bike even faster that it reach its limit, I'll bring this to Shin-nii.

"'JIRO WHAT THE HELL!" She scream while holding tightly at my waist, I just laugh and  began to slow down.

I might scared her. I don't want to…anymore.

I saw fear and scaredness at her eyes while looking at me beating South to death, it was like…

She feared me. Like I was her greatest fear, like I was a threat for her and it hurts me, a lot.

"Jiro? You okay?" She suddenly ask making me back to my conscious.

"Yea—I'm fine don't worry." I answered, biting my lips so I won't tell her the former timelines.

"What about your date with Takemichi?" I don't want to sound it bitter but it does, I just want to change the subject!

"Date?" She asked confusedly, "What do you mean date with him? He has a girlfriend! Where do you get that?" She laughed so hard.

"Nothing, ice cream date huh." I rolled my eyes and park infront at their apartment.

"Yeah minus the date, but I remember he said I keep my promise he said it happily. Like since when he promised me that?" Senju said as she removed her helmet and hand it to me.


It must be before, Takemichi never mentioned it to me but he's really a promise keeper huh.

"Jiro? Aren't you going to cook for me?" She raised her eyebrows when she noticed that I wasn't moving.

"Don't ordered me around! I'm the boss here." I rolled my eyes and while ranting yet I did follow her inside.

Oh what can I do? I'm fucking inlove.

"Stop saying that when you still followed me." She flick my forehead.


She raised her middle finger to me that made me shock, what the fuck?!

"It doesn't hurt, dummy."

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