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The love between a mother and daughter is forever

The bond between their hearts is unbreakable

The connection between their souls is eternal



I have been sitting impatiently in chair turning the side ways looking at the door for it to open and see Ms. Myoui and Sam come in, I have been looking at the time in my phone to see if the 5 minutes is done or not

Its been only 2 minutes I wanted to call Ms. Myoui but decided to not to impose on her and give her the time she said for them to arrive here

To divert myself I opened the messages Tina sent me, she has to give the update to me about my meeting with JK, he has been busy with some activities so meeting wasn't able to happen so his manager and Tina has been negotiating with him for the meeting, Sana apparently wants him to wear her brand so we are thinking of getting partnered

I heard the throat clearing voice so I looked up and saw Ms. Myoui along with a kid, I am assuming its Sam I got up so fast without realizing my phone is on my leg and it fell down, I bend down to pick it up as I was raising up my head hit the corner of the table, I calmed myself rubbed my head then looked at them and saw Ms. Myoui is laughing as Sam is looking at her, I am glad at least Sam thinks Ms. Myoui's teasing laugh is not fair

I extended my hand towards Sam introducing myself

" Hi, I am Momo"

She looked at my hand for at least 10 seconds and as I thought she may not be comfortable with it and taking back my hand she said

" I am Sam and I don't like handshakes"

Oh Okay that maybe the reason for not giving me the hand shake then Ms. Myoui cleared her throat and said

" Okay then both of you I will be in the car so as the meeting gets done call me-" then she turned towards Sam gave her a look and said " Don't pester her too much and I hope to see you both in a single pieces after this meeting"

Sam looked at her mom giving her a cheek kiss she said

" Bye Mom, I love you"

Ms. Myoui turned towards me and gave me a smile and nodded her head as if saying it will be okay and everything will be alright like that

She left and I looked at Sam as she took the seat in front of me then looked at me and said

" Aren't you going to sit?"

I nodded my head at her and sat back in the chair I was sitting before, she looked at me and gave me a crooked smile then said

" I am going to have at least 3 donuts but you can't stitch behind me or else this is going to be last meet between us so remember to tell her that I only had 2"

I just nodded my head in so much confusion, she is blackmailing me and she sure as hell knows I am nervous and openly taking advantage of it

She got up and looked at me as if saying "Get up lets go and buy sweet donuts" so I got up and followed her, she kept on selecting one donut after the other and selected the 6 donuts took the box from the Crew Member then went to sit in the chair, I looked at the crew member and ordered Americano for myself then paid the bill waited for the coffee as soon as I got it, I took the coffee and sat Infront of her

She already opened the box and started having donuts offered me to take it but I said no she lifted her shoulders and said whatever and kept on going

I took the sips from my coffee and then suddenly she looked at me not just look it was more like scanning me then said

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