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I don't know what it is like to not have deep emotions

Even when I feel nothing, I feel it completely.........



I didn't know what I am getting myself into I mean the information I got was not the thing I expected, when I stepped into the restaurant to have dinner with Momo but seeing her I gathered whatever she says that won't be that hot coz all the hotness in this world is filled in her

We discussed about her selecting the school for Sammie then started digging into the food we ordered, she wanted to introduce Sammie to our friends and her family, I am very happy she decided to do that coz if we would have prolonged it any longer Sana's stomach would have busted while trying to keep this secret and she is the worst secret keeper ever, along with it she wants to take Sammie to her parents anniversary dinner if her daughter is comfortable, she is a sweetheart trying to keep Sammie's comfort ahead always, if I am already not deeply in love with her she is making sure I am now with the way she is behaving

I know I said I don't wanna have any discussion about past and keep it there itself but when she started the conversation I wasn't hoping it will take this turn, I am so angry at that bastard who are they to go after calling other human being names and attack till the person goes into unconscious state that in a secluded area where it took days to find Momo and start her treatment, if ever I find these people who went after Momo that is the last day for them on the mother earth, if Kris couldn't take that her girlfriend is intersex then she would have broke up and leave it at that instead she went to the bastard group friends who decided its best to go after another human being

It broke me to think Momo struggled to stay alive for 8 months here and I was there very clueless about whatever is happening here and mostly I am not liking myself at this moment coz I called Momo so many names while I was on the labor bed, I am guessing the birth of her daughter made her come back to life or else maybe me calling her names coz of the pains and kicks I got during my pregnancy contractions whatever it is I am glad she is awake and doing good now

I tried to convey her and tried to tell her so many things but nothing came out of my mouth and she kept on wiping away the tears flowing on my cheeks then pulled me towards the bathroom, cleaned my face with water, I gave her a tight hug not wanting to leave her, I want to yell at her saying she is so lovable but didn't know why I can't that is when I realized I lost consciousness and she is taking care of me as somethings are being sent into my body

She kissing my hand bought my body back to life after 6 years, I mean tingly feelings always come back to me whenever I am near her but this time there are more butterflies and I want to pinch her cheek so I let my intrusive thought win and went for it, she smiled at me and as soon as she got aware I am awake she yelled for nurses they came to look at me, all they did wanted is to me letting go of Momo but I don't want to so I looked at Momo, she understood what I am trying to tell her, she didn't left me and instead convinced nurses she will be on side to not disturb their work

After getting checked out and getting the green signal from doctor, she bought me to the car and she said about even more that bastards doings and at one point she thought she will see hatred or else disgust in my eyes too so she tried to look away from me but never ever she will get to see those things in my eyes and I want to convey this to her so I turned her head making her look at me while I am talking to her, with the way I clinged onto her and her towards me I felt something's and with the way she trying to move her body away from me she is also feeling them

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