𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮?

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"Hey guys? Did you hear about the party the girls were talking about? They apparently were planning one for Christmas! You know, since that's coming up!" Kaminari, the noise energetic blonde mentioned to the group of boys he walked beside with.

"Yeah, I did. They said they were gonna try and get us all out of the place to get it ready so we don't mess up anything. Which is stupid because I wanna help set up.." Sero, the ravenette complained and slouched his back.

"Wait, what party?" The redhead boy asked who was walking beside the two boys, including an angery annoyed blonde.

"How haven't you heard? I'm surprised Mina didn't say anything to you. You guys are like besties.." Sero said, turing to give Eijiro his attention.

"Well, she didn't, so. What did they all say? Common share up, man!" Eijiro said and held onto the straps of his bag.

Kaminari and Sero both snickered and looked at each other. "Gonna cost you information." Sero spoke.

"Yeah, I've been needing a foot massage lately.." Kaminark added.

"Ew, I'm not touching your disgusting toes," Kirishima scrunched up his nose, "Just tell me guys, Bakugo, and I wanna know!"

"I couldn't give two shits.." Katsuki muttered and gave the three a glare.

"Alright - And I wash my feet! But anyways... The girls said that we were all gonna spend the night in the common room with blankets and pillows! There's gonna be lots of snacks, too! They said they are gonna be planning lots of games, and the girls are buying each of us outfits.. Which, I'm worried about, but.. hopefully, they will be comfortable! And we're also gonna be doing a secret Santa to, so they will tell us soon, hopefully.. just try and act surprised when they tell you so they don't know I told you." Kaminari explained to Kirishima, who, unlike Bakugo, was actually listening.

"That sounds awesome! And we're already so close to christmas.. they will probably tell us soon anyway so we can buy the gifts ahead of time." Kirishima hoped, since he was a forgetful person and needed time to plan stuff out or think about it.

The three boys continued talking about it while Bakugo just walked beside them. They entered the dorm rooms, and each boy took a separate way to their dorm rooms. Kirishima was extremely excited.. He hoped he would get Bakugo for the secret Santa. It would be a great time to confess to him! Though.. maybe confessing in front of all them isn't the way to go. After all, it might pressure Bakugo into saying yes, and he doesn't want that.. He could just do it privately then. It's not like he has to do it in front of anyone.

Bakugo was more of an introvert anyway and never seemed to like doing things publicly unless it was showing off. And it would be embarrassing getting rejected in front of everyone if he were to say no. So private it is! Again, that's if he even gets Bakugo.

Kirishima changed into a pair of sweats pants and a red shirt with a large snowflake in the center of it. He loved to dress up with the seasons and holidays. He had a couple of pairs for each one.

Once the boy was finished changing, he headed downstairs to where a small group of his friends all sat on the couch sipping on some hot coco. He had a large grin across his face and headed into the kitchen to make himself some coco as well. Luckily, there was some left over the others had made, and he took some, pouring it into a mug and ploping in a couple of marshmallows before heading back to the common room. He took a seat right beside Uraraka on the couch and took a sip of the warm drink.

Bakugo had just walked downstairs too, and he was wearing a black pair of sweats and a red sweater. God, he was cute.. Kirishima watched as the blonde boy walking into the kitchen and coming back into the common room with what seemed to be black coffee. Bakugo was never a fan of sweet things. He didn't like creamer or hot coco, which everyone thought he was crazy for that but.. It was a bit healthier.. So manly..

Katsuki took a seat across from Kirishima on the other couch. He brought his legs up and leaned against the arm rest, taking a sip of the steaming hot coffee. Kirishima watched the boy with a small smile in the corner of his lips, just admiring him. When the two made eye contact, Katsuki gave him a small from, and Kirishima quickly looked away, as if he weren't looking at him.

He heard the blonde chuckle, which made his ears turn red. He looked back over at Katsuki, who had a small smile resting on his face. A sight he barely ever got to see. He felt his heart melt at the sight of him. God, he was so pretty.. Kirishima smiled back at him, though Mina interrupted the two of them. "Hey, you guys! Is everyone down here?" The pink female asked.

"Deku is getting Todoroki right now, then I think that will be everyone." Jirou mumbled to Ashido as the two boys just entered the common room.

"Alright, I got Todoroki!" Deku said and took his seat, making some room for Todoroki beside himself.

"Okay, listen up, everyone," She spoke, getting everyone's attention, "So. Use girls have planned a Christmas party for everyone! We have planned for it to be the night before Christmas and the next day. We will be doing a secret Santa clause, and we will be drawing that tonight so everyone can have time to get the gifts." Ashido paused and pointed at a bowl full of everyone's names on small pieces of paper.

"After I'm done explaining, we will draw from there. So, anyway. We will be making a huge nest down here full of blankets and pillows! We are gonna go out to get some snakes to make and eat! Me and Momo have already chosen movies that we will be watching, though if you have any ideas, please share! In the morning, so on Christmas day, we will be opening our gifts. Then we can watch another movie to wake up and all, but then we get to go outside and have a snowman building contest! I'll be the judge. We have already picked out the teams, so don't worry. Then after, we will do a snowball fight! Once everyone gets chilly, we will head back inside and have hot chocolate and play 7 minutes in heavy. If we feel like it, we can spend another night in the common room too!"

Finally, Mina was finished explaining. Everyone grew hyped up for it and began talking, which she silenced them again. "Hush! I'm not quite finished. Now! To draw names!"

Mina picked up the bowl and began walking around everyone. Each person dug out a tiny piece of paper and held it close to themselves as they opened it so nobody could see. Surpingly, Bakugo took one, which wasn't expected.. When it was Kirishimas' turn, he drew, praying that he would get Bakugo. He pulled out a piece of paper and held it close to himself and opened it, and to his luck, it was. A large grin appeared on his face as he read the paper. He stuffed it into his pocket and looked around, looking at everyone's expression. You could see some were excited, and some others were confused.

Eijiro already had planned out what he was going to get Bakugo. He was gonna buy him some pretty roses, buy him some spicy food, and an All Might figure. He was gonna make sure he loved it! Then... a note which would confess to him about his feelings towards him. Sure, it was nerve-wracking to think about it, but it hopefully.. would be worth it.

"Alright! Now that we have done that, you have time to buy presents and all. So! Go get planning!" She squeaked, and her and a couple girls went up to her dorm.

𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚒𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕! | 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝 𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚍 Where stories live. Discover now