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Kirishimas Pov:

I woke up to the sound of murmering and the TV playing. I slowly fluttered my eyes open and groaned, turing over onto my stomach. I heard the murmering quiet down, and then it really went quiet before I felt a slap on my ass. I yelped and jumped awake, quickly flipping my body over to look at Kaminari, who had just gotten up, laughing, and quickly went to the other side of the couch. I glared at him and grabbed the blanket that had fallen off of me, and covered myself back up with it. I glanced over at my side to see if Bakugo was still there, and he wasn't. I frowned to myself and slowly sat up, looking around the room.

"Hey guys, where's Bakugo?" I asked.

"Oh, he's getting some coffee." Deku replied.

I nodded and got up, heading into the kitchen where the blonde had just finished making his coffee. God, he looked so cuddleable right now. I so badly just wanted to wrap my arms around him and hold him close. But I resisted and kept my distance. "Hey, how'd you sleep?" I asked and leaned against the counter like the blonde was.

"Fine." Katsuki grumbled and took a sip of his steaming hot coffee.

"That's good! Are you excited about presents?" Kirishima asked, his eyes growing wide and his shark teeth spreading into a grin.

"I guess. You clearly are." He mumbled and shrugged his shoulders.

We then were called into the common room, my Mina. Me and Bakugo walked into there and saw everyone was seated. Mina was standing in front of them all. "Alright, since everyone is awake now, we can all go get the presents and give them to who we had gotten!" She squeaked, and her body shook with excitement.

Everyone then raced to their rooms beside a couple of them. I went up to my room, and I hesitated. If I were to give this to Bakugo in front of everyone.. he'd hate me. But if I don't give it to him now, he will feel left out.. fuck, this is a hard decision.. I'll just tell him I have to give it to him alone! Hopefully, he doesn't suspect anything.

I left my dorm and quickly went into Bakugos. Of course, I knocked first, but then I just invited myself in. "Hey man! So, is it okay if I give you your present later? I'm not sure if you'd really want the others to see it."

"I don't care. Later is fine, I guess." Bakugo said and grabbed the present he had and brought it downstairs. I followed along, heading downstairs with him.

Once we got everyone back down here, they began handing their presents to who they had gotten. I saw Ashido walk up to me, and then she ploped a present down on my lap and sat down beside me. "Oh, thank you!" I said and watched her sit down.

I opened up the present. The first thing I pulled out was a Red Riot figure! It looked so cool! Then was some candy and then.. a note? I opened it up and began reading through it while my smile slowly dropped. It was a love note. From her, asking if I'd be her boyfriend. "Uhh.." I didn't know what to do, or say.

"So, will you be my boyfriend?" Ashido asked me, out loud in front of everyone, which seemed to catch their attention.

The room went silent and stared at us. I was trying my best not to make eye contact with her. Then, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and saw Bakugo walking away. I then looked back at Mina and gave her a small nervous smile. "L-Look Mina, this is really sweet and flattering but..-" I saw her smile slowly start to fade. "But I don't feel the same way.. I'm-.. I'm uh, I'm gay.." I felt a lump in my throat. It was painful to say, and I almost couldn't say it at all.

Her smile was completely gone now, and she felt terrible, but I didn't want to lie to her. "Thank you for the present though..-" I mumbled and stood up. I walked out of the common room in pure silence. I couldn't stay. It was way too humiliating.

I went up to my dorm and sat down on my bed, setting the present on my desk. I sighed quietly and shut my eyes, leaning back and groaning quietly. "Fuck.." I muttered under my breath and bit my lip softly.

I opened my eyes and glanced down at Bakugos present.. I guess we were both completely unbothered right now.. and I don't think he was too happy about the thing that just happened, but he doesn't know all of it, so I'll go explain to.. I stood up and grabbed the present for Bakugo, and left my dorm. I knocked on Bakugos dorm, but when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I panicked and just went into his room. I turned around, and as I did, I heard a sniffle. I looked over at Bakugo who was looking at me with a bit of shock on his face, "Get the fuck out! I didn't say you could come in!" He shouted at me, and I quickly shushed him.

"Bakugo-! Quiet someone's out there! Please, I don't want them to find me!" I said and almost slightly panicked. I heard their voices getting close, and then there was a knock on the door, but not Bakugos.

I stayed quiet, and thankfully, Bakugo did as well till we heard the voices leave.  I thanked him for being quiet, and then there was an awkward moment of silence before I walked over to his bed and took a seat. "How come you're crying?" I asked.

"None of your damn business!" He just shouted back at me.

I frowned, he was clearly hurting, and I wanted to help. Why did he have to be so stubborn? "Bakugo, please tell me what's wrong. I'll keep it between you and me, okay?"

He seemed hesitant at first, but then I finally got an answer out of him. "Fucking dammit shit head! I love you! Okay?! I always fucking have, I don't know how your so fucking oblivious to that or if you've just decided to ignore me or what! And, it fucking hurts seeing you date someone else.. I mean I know...-"

"What? Date someone else?" I cut him off. I wasn't dating anybody? Oh.. he thinks I said yes to Mina..

"Wait.. Bakugo, is this about what just happened in the common room?" I asked and scootched closer to him.

I got no answer from him. He just looked away from me and whined his tears with the sleeves of his shirt. I knew that the answer was a yes, and know that I think about it he left before I gave her an answer. "Bakugo, I'm not dating her, I rejected her, which is why I came up here to hide. I'm sorry I've been oblivious to all the signs of you liking me, but I like you too.." I explained and reached a hand up to gently caress his cheek.

"You're not just saying that because you feel bad...?" He asked me, his hand moving up to softly grab mine.

"No! I'd never do that. Look - even before this happened.. the present I got you - " I said and scrambled to go find the present for him.

I grabbed the bag and the roses which I had set down beside the door. I walked over to Katsuki and handed him the stuff, then took a seat back where I was. "Yeah, I know it's a bit cheese.." I said with an embarrassed chuckle.

"God your a fucking dumbass.." Katsuki muttered and smiled.

God, that smile was adorable. Something people rarely saw. I then softly cupped his cheeks to make him look at me. He seemed to be a bit hesitant about the touch, but at least he didn't pull away. I leaned into him, and our lips gently connected. Katsukis eyes grew wide, and he flinched a little but soon melted into the kiss. We sat there like that for what seemed like a couple of seconds, but really was probably a minute. His lips felt so perfect on mine, I've been waiting forever to do this. His lips have always been one of the things I've loved about him. They looked so soft and plump, and they really truly are.

I then tilted my head to the side, which seemed to deepen the kiss between us. Katsuki grabbed my waist, his warm hands slid under my shirt, and I let a small gasp out, just faint. He seemed to take that to his advantage and slid his tongue onto my mouth, which was something I wasn't expecting. I furrowed my eyebrows. Who the hell did he think he was?

I could feel a faint smirk in the corner of his lips, I needed to have control of this again. So with that, I pushed Katsuki down, which did break the kiss. His head laid on his soft fluffy pillow while I stared down at him with lidded eyes. After taking a moment to admire his beauty, I pressed out lips together, but this kiss was more hungry.

𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚒𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕! | 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝 𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚍 Where stories live. Discover now