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Something was wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it. Kiri had been here for days and hasn't spoken once about what's happened in the last few years since we had seen each other. I asked a few times and each time, he shut down and just stopped talking altogether. He called my mom almost every day, closing himself in his room. It was weird and I felt like I was missing a big part of a plot I had missed.

He tried to hide it but I could always tell when he wasn't himself. The Kiri I knew had never been so quiet and careful with his words. It's like he took time to think out everything he said before the words left his lips. And those small moments when I caught him saying something he hadn't meant to let slip, I clung to it.

"Sooo, you will come with me, yes?" He was asking and my brain tried to catch up with itself. What had we been talking about? Something about a gathering? Alcohol? Party?

"Sure, I figure if I don't, you will go alone and this way, I can keep an eye out for you." I smiled, my eyes darting around to ensure my housemates didn't see. They don't need to know that I do have a beating heart within the black depths of my soul.

Kiri's eyes lit up but that darkness still clouded far beneath the surface of his irises. "Yay! That's great, it's tomorrow night and I'm very excited you agreed to come."

"What's going on?" Kaminari's curious voice floated into the dining room a second before he emerged, wearing his typical pajamas with lightning bolts covering the loose bottoms and a matching baggy shirt. He yawned running a hand through his abnormally yellow hair.

"Firecracker here agreed to go to a party with me tomorrow." Kiri was practically bouncing in his seat, looking like an excited puppy dog. There was the Kiri I knew and loved.

Kaminari's eyebrows shot up, all evidence of sleep vanishing. "He what?? You what??" He stared at me, mouth agape.

Kiri wrinkled his nose adorably. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes, something is very wrong!" Kiri flinched and I fought the urge to snap at Kaminari and banish him forever from my sight. "Kats never ever goes to parties!"

I rolled my eyes, smothering the fire beneath my skin. "Don't make a big deal out of it, fucking idiot." I grumbled, taking my place beside Kiri with my bowl of cereal. "It's not like I just agreed to elope. It's a party."

Kaminari scoffed. "We practically have to drag you to parties and all this guy has to do is ask and you will go??" I rolled my eyes again, taking several bites to avoid speaking to him.

"Morning." Shinso walked in, entirely wrapped in a comforter with the most unenthused expression on his face. He shuffled to the fridge, opened it and pulled out a coffee and apple sauce. Then he opened the freezer and grabbed the whole tub of vanilla ice cream. The three of us just stared silently at him and he seemed none the wiser, absorbed in his own world of random food items in the morning.

"Okayyyy, anyway," Kaminari looked back at me when Shinso had started shuffling back out of the room. "Can we come with? We love parties."

I tsked, shaking my spoon at him as I swallowed my bite. "Nononono, you like parties. Shinso tolerates them for you and Deku only goes to ensure you two aren't leaving me alone the whole time."

Kaminari opened his mouth to argue before thinking better of it and huffing. "Fiiiinee, but can we come with?"

I shrugged, "it's up to Kiri, he asked me."

Kiri looked up at me sharply, an emotion I couldn't place flashing across his features. It was as if he was trying to tell me something and my mind completely drew a blank at what. Then he sighed and smiled up at Kaminari, "of course you can come. It's not like I am throwing the party."

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