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The light shining through the curtains spiked my headache and I buried my face in the pillows, hoping to banish the pounding headache with my thoughts. I grumbled, reaching up to massage my pounding head. Never again. Nope. I forgot just how painful the morning after drinking was. I moved to hide under my covers when the flash of green caught my eye and I froze.

Everything came rushing back. "Fuck!" I shouted so loud I hurt my own head when I noticed that I was, in fact, naked in Denki's bed with Deku curled up beside me. The body beside me moved and groaned. I yelped, jerking back as if burned when I saw his bare back. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." I cursed some more as I slid out of bed, silently shuffling around the room and picking all my clothes off the floor.

I dressed quickly but stopped myself at the door. I can't just leave him here. He helped me last night. I let out a long sigh before returning to the bed. On the side table I noticed a bottle of aspirin and took two, waiting until they finally kicked in before I woke Deku. Denki must enjoy getting drunk for there to just casually be aspirin next to the bed.

"Deku," I urged him to wake up, shaking his shoulder. He growled and shook me off and I rolled my eyes, shaking him harder. "Izuku!" I whisper yelled in his ear and he yelped that time, his eyes snapping open before he buried his face in the blanket.

"Why are you screaming?" He whined, covering his ears. I watched him carefully, scooting away on the bed and noticed the exact moment he processed where he was. His body went rigid and he shot up. "Wait."

"Yeah." I handed him some aspirin and he took it silently. He blinked at me and we just sat in silence for a while. "Soo, thank you."

His eyebrows shot up, "what for?"

"Allowing me to let go," I cleared my throat, a blush rising to my cheeks. "It meant a lot to me but I think we are better as friends."

Deku looked at me and then nodded, "I also see you as just a friend. I mean I like you like that but... I value our friendship more. And besides, I know you like someone else."

I blinked at him and my heart skipped a beat. "I don't..." I deflated, "Okay yes, I really like Ejirou." I admitted and it hit me that I had never said those words out loud before.

Deku smiled as he slid out of bed and got dressed. "I know. I don't blame you, the man is very sexy."

I growled low in my throat before quickly covering my mouth. I have no right to get jealous. "He is though! I've seen him shirtless and let's just say... Sexy doesn't begin to cover it. He's down right sinful." That got Deku to laugh.

"Luckyyyy," he whined but I could tell from the glint in his eye that he was mostly joking. I knew he wouldn't go after Kiri even if he didn't say it.

I smiled and stood from the bed. "Whelp, I am exhausted so I should probably go take a nap in my own bed. Thank you again." I wanted to hug him but I didn't. I had never told anyone about my feelings for Kirishima and it seemed that opening up to someone lifted a heavy weight off my chest.

"Of course, any time." He winked playfully and I smacked his arm lightly.

I made my way out of the room, thankful when no one was in the hallway. A nap was definitely what I needed. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Kirishima held me down, his teeth grazing the gland on my neck and sending a jolt of pleasure through my body. I moaned, straining against his hold. I wanted to touch him. I always wanted to touch him.

He slid one hand down my body, groping every part of bare skin. His touch sent a jolt of pleasure through me and I relished it, bucking my hips against his in a desperate plea. "I need you, please." Heat burned beneath my skin as I felt him slide into me, setting every nerve-ending aflame.

"My Katsuki..." He moaned and with one hard thrust, he- Nope. I am not doing this. I pushed and pulled at the dream, ripping it to shreds. I hate dreams. I don't want to experience this. It's too painful. I screamed. What kind of cruel twist of bullshit shows me something I desired but could never have?

A cry erupted from me and with it, the flames I kept so carefully concealed under my skin. My eyes widened as I looked at the beautiful flames that licked at my sheets. I cursed, jumping from my bed and running out of the room.

"Katsuki!" I ignored Denki but he seemed to catch on quick enough. We had these huge buckets of water stored under the sink. Such a random thing but it felt necessary because of the sheer amount of messes our group made. Each of us grabbed one and ran to my room, dousing my room in water.

I was panicking. No one can know. No one. The flames were put out and the ones that weren't slowly died down on their own. I was shaking, sitting in the center of my destroyed room as I tried to reign in it. Stay in control. Centered.

A hand came to rest on my shoulder and I recoiled immediately, putting distance between myself and Denki. "Kats..."

"Get out. Please, just get out."

I heard Kiri running up the stairs but I couldn't. I can't. Denki stared at me for a moment before darting from the room. "Katsuki!" I heard him calling.

"Stop, stop, he's okay. It's alright."

"I need to see him!" The agony in his voice broke my heart and I pulled my knees against my chest, fear gripping me. It had been a long time since I lost control.

"You will, he's just shaken up. He wanted to be left alone." Denki was saying and I tuned the rest of their spoken words out.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and shakily dialed my mother's number. She picked up on the first ring. "Katsuki! My baby! How are-" A soft sob escaped me and I tried to push the tears back. "Katsuki," her voice was suddenly serious. "Control, Katsuki. Deep breaths. Count to ten. Center yourself."




I sucked in a shaky breath and released it. I listened to her breathing on the other line and mimicked it.




Steadily, my heart slowed, calming. "That's it, Katsuki, keep breathing."




I let out the final breath and leaned my head back against a charred wall.


"I'm sorry, Mom. I don't know what happened. It's been so long..." I whimpered, hugging my knees tighter.

She sighed, "Katsuki, you have to keep in control of yourself. You know what happens if you lose that control."

"I know, I know. I have it back. I have it."

I could practically hear her smiling through the phone. "Good. Now, tell me, how is Ejiro settling in?" Of course, she had to choose the one topic I would rather not be speaking of.

"He's... good. He starts school tomorrow so I think he's really just nervous."

"You are clearly overwhelmed, dear. Maybe you should talk to him. He is nervous and I think you guys could really help each other." Her voice was soft, but I felt a tug at my heart.

"I should go, I have some homework I need to get extra copies of." I hung up the phone before she could say anything else. I slammed my head into the wall, immediately regretting it as my headache came back full force. I yelped, grabbing at my head. "Fuck."

Today is really not my day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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