Part 10 - Run

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it has come to my attention that this story is kinda stupid. But that's okay. i can have a little stupid, as a treat.

also periodic disclaimer that I have no knowledge in 1. Law enforcement or 2. anything medical beyond basic first aid


"911, please state your emergency."

"S-some men just came into my house and kidnapped my- my host."

"Okay, can you tell me your address? Are you safe at the moment?"

"I- yeah, I think they left... s###. Um, the address is... 1780 Mince Hill drive, Apartment #8."

"Alright. I'm dispatching law enforcement to your location now. Stay where you are. What's your name?"


"Sir? Are you still there?"

"Y-yeah, it's, um, Caden Petrovsky."

"Can you describe these men? You said they were gone?"

"N-no, I... was hiding. I'm still hiding. I just heard voices. I haven't heard anything in a while, so- oh s###."


"I think they're, um, back. I'm gonna hang up."

"The police are on their way, try to stay hidden."

"I- y-yeah. Thanks."


Caden grunted as he hit the backseat of the van, glaring daggers at his captor before the door slammed shut.

"Caden?" Steven's voice was muffled by the bag over his head. Caden swallowed.

"Y-yeah." He huddled up against the back seat, watching as the masked man who'd grabbed him climbed into the front.

"Shouldn't we blind him too?" One of them asked.

"Did you bring another bag?" The driver asked


"Doesn't matter, there's no windows back there anyway." The driver turned back to the road, and Caden shifted, trying to wiggle out of the zip tie that pinned his wrists behind his back. It was far too tight, and he soon gave up, scooting closer to Steven instead.

"You okay?" He whispered hoarsely.

"I'm fine." Steven shifted. "You?"

"Y-yeah, fine." He wasn't fine, but he was unhurt, which was close enough he supposed. Of course he was terrified, he was being kidnapped and taken to God knows where for being a witness to his host being captured, presumably for his blood?? Brine had said that he was valuable, right??

The van lurched forward, and Caden cast another glance up front. The three men were speaking in low tones, not paying attention to him.

"C-can I at least put my seatbelt on?" He stammered. One of the masked men glanced back at him.

"I don't care." Was his blunt response. So, Caden carefully twisted in his seat, looping his bound wrists underneath his feet and getting them in front of him. Once his hands were free, he fumbled for the seatbelt and pulled it across his lap. If his kidnappers noticed that he'd moved his hands they didn't say anything.

What would they do to him? Caden was trying to avoid considering the question, since... well, they didn't look like they intended to let him go, so maybe they'd kill him, or... ugh, he didn't want to think about it. He had a brief moment of bitterness where he wished he'd never met Steven or Brine, but rational thought took over a moment later, and he was forced to acknowledge that if he hadn't broken into Steven's house he'd probably be dead from exposure or starvation by now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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