The new Overlord.

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3rd Pov

We see the city of pentagram but the only difference is that there is giant smoke clouds all over it and in the streets there are more bodies of different demons all over the place but more than usual with some buildings having eyes spray painted on them and demons running around and we see a tv shop showing the news

Katy Killjoy: in recent events, there has been a massive turf war between the hellborn overlords and the sinner overlords, instigated by none other than the media demon

Tom Trench: we just received the latest info on the matter and...the media demon won. He looks at the camera it seems we have a new overlord in hell, folks.

Y/n Pov

I stood on what used to be a building but now is just left as a pile of rubble as i looked down at three different overlords, Rosie, Missi Zilla and sock and buskin staring up at me as I look at them with my never falling smile

Y/n: sorry about the destruction thing, but hey, I am a demon after all I shrug while looking down at them what happens when one demon controls everything that hell has become dependent on?

Missi: is this some sort of edgy theatre kid speech you're about to give us? Cause honestly I don't give a crap. She says with a sadistic grin

Sock & Buskin: what a ruffian I will show him the art of music./ what my brother means is we're going to get rid of you

Y/n: hey now I don't want to keep fighting since I already won, but, what I want is to become a real demon I say while crouching down I mean, I have control over everything technological shouldn't I be a real full blown demon?

???: that could be arranged~ y/n's face becomes one of dread as he feels an awful pit in his stomach as he turns around to see a demon dressed in all white with pale skin and a cane if, you want to shake on it.

Y/n: y-you're...

Lucifer: yes, Lucifer, and you're causing a lot of trouble in my ring. His body becomes a giant red shadow with a demonic face

Lucifer: and I don't like it when you mess with my things.

Y/n: I step back as some rubble falls away under my foot hey now, they attacked me first, I was just trying to rise up fair and square! But they came to interfere at my place of work, surely the king of hell himself would understand that? Lucifers body returns to normal as he smiles with his sharp teeth showing

Lucifer: I see, now about that deal~ his grin becomes wider and more devilish you said you wanted to become a hellborn? Then you have to sell you're soul to me.

Y/n: "sell my soul huh? Like hell, that's just gonna become problems" I keep my nervous demeanour r-really sir!? You'd actually strike a deal with me? I put on a sheepish tone I'd be honoured to make a deal with Lucifer himself!

Lucifer: he looks down at the other overlords and his smile drops as they clear out into their respective transports well, as long as you stop destroying everything I'm sure we could make that deal happen~

Y/n: on one condition though! He looks at me as his smile drops once more I'm sure you don't get this much but I just want this deal to be beneficial on both sides! So my condition is you make me a hellborn and you take that one thing I hold dear.

Lucifer: so you're soul? Y/n doesn't respond and just smiles making him grin from ear to ear you're selling you're soul all to become a hellborn not even for power, you're very strange. A strange demonic magic surrounds him as he hands Y/n an apple as the demon grabs it sealing their deal and takes a bite from it

Y/n: "so the bibles was right about eve..." I swallow the piece of the apple that had basically no taste as I look dow and notice the apple I just bit from is rotten and gross and feel something build up inside me before I look down at my hands as my shadowy body looks like it's fading what did you-

Lucifer: before anything else, I'll be taking you're soul he says with a devilish grin but suddenly is stopped when multiple eyes surround Y/n what!?

Y/n: I said you get the one thing I hold dear, I don't care about my soul what I do care about is this I hold out my middle finger while laughing as my body explodes into black shadows

Lucifer: he groans while looking down at the shadowy mist lingering around what was that about? What exactly did he hood dear that he gave to me!? He looks around did he mean his life? Is that why he's gone... he sighs no matter. His body changes into a snake-like shadow form as he moves away before disappearing

Distorted voice: how's it going folks! I'm sure everyone in hells having an amazing time! Today on the Media demon broadcast we have a special announcement!

3rd Pov

We see all over hell on the tv's and cellphones of demons while some are reviving and crowds build up around all the tv stores or anywhere with a screen as they watch intently

Distorted Voice: you all just saw the same thing, the media demon has fallen to the hands of Lucifer himself! And the hellborn overlords have fled the scene!

Y/n: but they didn't think about the Overseer Demon~

On all the screens they turn pitch black and stay that way before the words "look up" appear on the screen with multiple eyes blinking on the screen while looking up as everyone tuning in looks up or out their windows in the centre of the pentagram an eye opens and a laugh sounds in the entire ring and we see in all the other rings their skies have an eye while the laugh echoes

Distorted Voice: what a spectacular show! Now if you would all please return to you're screens!

Everyone tuning in looks back at their screens and they see the area where Y/n was having a turf war and the black shadows lingering around pull together forming a chrysalis with eyes on it before it bursts open with a bright white light blinding the screens before the picture returns revealing a figure that looks similar to Y/n when he was alive but different with a target on his forehead

Everyone tuning in looks back at their screens and they see the area where Y/n was having a turf war and the black shadows lingering around pull together forming a chrysalis with eyes on it before it bursts open with a bright white light blinding ...

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Y/n: hello hell. The eyes inside of his shadowy tails dispatch and take to the city as he puts the hand with the eye sigil on it to his mouth hello again! Sorry about that, I just had to take a little commercial break but I'm back with a little dress change!

Distorted voice: and might I say, you're looking 'devilishly' handsome! Would you like to tell everyone what happened?

Y/n: eh it's simple really, big man Lucifer agreed to take the one thing I hold dear and that was my humanity! So even if he tried to cheat me I was still gonna become a demon! I laugh but hey, I'm the, Overseer Demon!

Distorted voice: incredible! Truly incredible!

Y/n: see you around hell!

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