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zoro (21) x sanji's ! slightly ! younger ! brother (21)
warnings: a bit of whole cake spoilers and sanji's past
requested: no one

my oc: his name is goji, as five in japan is go. his hair is a bit fluffy but it's orange, his eyes a bright blue like his mothers. he gained the strength, speed and powers as yonji, niji and ichiji. but the emotions of a human, will explain in the one shot. the number 5 is tattoo on the back of his neck, but it's covered by his hair. he's the same skin tone as sanji, but shorter.

goji felt as if he lost everything the moment sanji left. he used to go with him to visit their mother who was sick and bed ridden. yet, she always greeted them with a smile.

even when sanji cooked -with the help of goji who had no skills whatsoever- she ate the food with a smile on her face. never once telling them it was terrible, even if it were.

goji wanted to leave with sanji, but he had no right. not after some of the things he's done. even if sanji begged him to come with him, they both could be saved, goji refused.

even if he loved sanji, even if he felt like crying and reaching out for his older brother, he had no right. because he couldn't help sanji, not when his older brothers were hurting him.

he was forced to joined.

every time he'd walked by, he felt his heart hurt. yonji, niji and ichiji were always kicking sanji. the blond would be on the ground, and he would be covering himself.

"goji! there you are, come join us!" niji turned, giving the youngest brother a sickening smile.

goji shifted uncomfortably, "i-i don't want to." he whispered out, his voice thin.

"and why not?" yonji looked at him, tilting his head in a condescending way as it screamed goji had no choice.

"i want to be a good younger brother." goji said, trying to sound firm and confident. but the three had stopped beating up sanji and turned simultaneously at him. "y-younger brothers don't hurt their older brothers."

that's what goji believed, he didn't want to hurt sanji. he cared for sanji, he cared for all his brothers... like he should. but he feared the other three, even with him being able to do what they can.

"you want to be a good younger brother?" ichiji walked towards him, grabbing gojo's orange shirt. "then be the number five and hurt that pathetic excuse of a family member."

sanji lunged at him, "let him go!" he grabbed ichiji's wrist.

that resulted into another kick. ichiji grabbed goji's wrist, yanking him forward. all three staring at him.

"do it, kick his face. be a good younger brother and listen to your older brothers." niji said.

sanji looked up, seeing goji's eyes water. sanji gave him a reassuring smile, he knew what would happen to goji if he didn't kick him. sanji gave him a nod.

goji looked away as he kicked sanji.

that night goji ran to sanji's room, sanji jumped in fear when his door opened, but he relaxed seeing goji.

goji ran to sanji, sobbing. "i'm sorry! i'm so sorry!" he kept repeating.

sanji had hugged goji, holding onto him. calming in as he held onto him.

but that was the last night sanji was able to comfort goji, he was thrown in a cage and then shortly had help to escape through reiju and goji. he wanted to take goji with him, the orange haired male refused.

he had no right.

years later when he was forced into an arrange marriage with pudding, he finally saw goji. relief washed over sanji seeing him well, but worry as he wasn't the younger brother he remembered.

zoro one shots x male reader/male oc'sWhere stories live. Discover now