my merman:

204 8 28

merman zoro (21) x human ! male ! reader (21)
warnings: just merman and human sex? 😭
requested: @mirmaenluv

m/n sighed and rubbed his eyes, he was beyond exhausted. there was just so much going on and only one of him. sometimes he wished he could split into many people to get everything done and even have time to relax.

he just needed a break.

his job was so mundane and exhausting. it was an internship for an office job that was barely paying him. who knew how much the actual workers were being paid. he just needed money to get by in rent and his college classes.

stress got so bad he was even bed ridden in a hospital bed a few times. luckily, he didn't have to stay over night so he was an outpatient, but that didn't deter his stress and anxiety. in fact, it made it worse.

so, here he was in his happy place. a vacant beach underneath the silver moonlight. the crashing waves against the sand was a pretty rush of sounds that seemed to calm him more than he thought. the sky was blackened and he was far enough from light pollution that he could see many stars in the sky. the sand looked almost black beneath his bare feet, he's always wanted to walk a beach with black sand. some day he'll work his way up to that.

his feet carried him miles away from his car, but that was fine. he loved walking, he loved being alone and at peace. if he got in his car now, he'll freak out and everything will come rushing back towards him. he wants to live in his little beach reality he's created.

he was soon pulled out of his blank thoughts when he stepped on a seashell. usually seashells didn't really hurt depending on the size, that or the beach was clear of them, but this one felt like it had stabbed the bottom of his foot.

he jumped up with a yelp, holding his ankle up and massaging the spot that felt sore. he glared at the seashell, blaming it for ruining his night and bringing the stress and burdens back.

"stupid, stupid, stupid." was apparently the only word he knew in this moment.

he huffed and kicked the seashell, glaring at wherever it was going. he couldn't see far, but he could act like it. he spun and crossed his arms, deeming it time to walk the couple of miles back to his car. hopefully his foul mood will be gone.

but m/n froze when he heard a quiet yelp about 15 feet behind him. a quiet 'ow' was grunted out from a slightly deep voice.

m/n knew he should turn and walk away, but he was curious. who else would be up at this godly hour and be at the beach? a fellow insomniac? someone just as stressed as him? maybe he could bond and share his burdens and be slightly less stressed. that sounded like a good plan.

m/n cautiously walked closer to where he heard the voice. his feet made no noise, he thanked the soft sand for that, he wasn't exactly a quiet walker. he held loud thuds, physically showing his burdens and stress on his shoulders and feet.

the closer he got, the more he heard a distinct struggle. it truly sounded like this person needed help, so m/n picked his pace up. his heart thudding in his chest, he felt like he should help and do something. whoever was struggling shouldn't struggle. 

finally he was able to make out a figure, lying on the beach and struggling to move and keep up.

must've hurt their legs.

how wrong he was. once he was close to finally see something in the dark of the night, his mouth parted and eyes widened. he looked over the figure.

a green haired male -he believed was male- was there. his features were hardened but soft at the same time. a scar was down his left eye and that was closed, but he assumed it was steel gray color from his other eye. a nice tan to his build. he had such a muscular chest that was glistening with the salt water from the ocean, and a scar going down his chest and torso in a diagonal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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