// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 //

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hiraeth - part seventy


       Everything had begun to fall apart. Where had he gone wrong? Everything used to be so peaceful. Memories of a time gone by, when they had first started hunting the Dragon Balls down passed through Goku's mind. When he had first confessed his feelings of love to her, she was so kind. It was so much fun, getting to explore his emotions for the first time, getting to truly fall in love for the first time. Goku had never been as happy as he had then, even when Y/n was in danger. He had gone out of his way to give her everything, to wish for her well-being, although he had ended up selfishly wasting the wish. But she forgave him, and in the end, got better. He had thought so anyway.

But now, a broken version of the girl he loved so was before him, throwing all of that away. He knew she was trying to do it for them, for the humans, for Goku. But he simply could not wrap his mind around it, he couldn't accept it. He needed to save her. He needed to give her the world, to protect her, save her from her own pain.

Goku grit his teeth, fists clenched as he squeezed his teary eyes shut. This wasn't the end. This wouldn't be the last time he would see her smile. He needed to hear her laughter once more, he needed to see her be protective over him, he needed to see her love him once again.

"I won't accept this," Goku spoke, his body beginning to shake with anger. He looked up to Y/n with pleading eyes, as if begging her to come back. "I won't abandon you, Y/n!"

Goku's hair flashed a bright blue as he flew straight at Black, Black's eyes widening as his hair turned into a deep pink, blocking Goku's attack. Y/n yelped as the force knocked her and Zamasu back, crashing right into the Kai.

Black quickly began to panic, confused. Goku was much stronger than the first time they fought. He had no doubts that Goku trained in the time they were gone, but there was also something else. He must've been driven by his anger, fighting purely off instinct.

Y/n's eyes widened as she spotted something in the corner of her eye, seeing the other three Saiyans flying at her and Zamasu. She was suddenly shoved behind Zamasu as the Kai defended her, catching Vegeta's hands as he attempted to attack.

Zamasu flung Vegeta into Trunks as the young man tried to fly around Zamasu, targeting Y/n. Trunks gasped for air as Vegeta slammed into him, the two crashing into the buildings of a ruin. Zamasu's eyes widened as Gohan suddenly slammed his body into Zamasu, knocking him down. Gohan powered up to his mystic form, rushing Y/n, making the girl panic.

"Gohan, wait!" Y/n cried out, catching his hands in her own, holding him back. Gohan grit his teeth, baring his fangs at Y/n as he glared.

"You betrayed us! I don't want to hear it!" Gohan yelled, his words shattering her heart. But it was too late to regret. She squeezed her teary eyes shut, blinking the tears away, before glaring at him.

"I did what was best for everyone! This was the only option that would save everyone's lives!" She yelled, grabbing his shoulders and slamming her knee into his gut. Gohan choked, coughing up spit. He glared at her, grabbing her wrists and dragging her down to the ground, throwing her down. Y/n let out a cry of pain as her body bounced against the concrete ground, cracks forming beneath the pressure.

"Why can't you ever be selfish for once!? Why do you always throw everything away for your so-called protection!? Do you think we can't fight, do you think we're incapable of defending each other!?" Gohan shouted, scowling down at her, anger boiling within him. Y/n stared up at him in surprise, having never seen him like this. She chuckled softly, resting her head on the ground.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now