The Dark Mark

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Harry Hermione and the Weasleys were soon at the arena for the Quidditch World Cup Match was about to begin 

Harry Hermione and the Weasleys were soon at the arena for the Quidditch World Cup Match was about to begin 

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Like in the film they were amazed how high they were but had the misfortune to run into the Malfoys

Like in the film they were amazed how high they were but had the misfortune to run into the Malfoys

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Lucius grabs Harry with his cane warning him he should enjoy himself.....while he can 

Soon they were at the highest floor where they see the Irish Team fly in making their big entrance 

Soon they were at the highest floor where they see the Irish Team fly in making their big entrance 

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Even Victor Krum's dramatic and epic first appearance 

And then Fudge announces the welcome to the audience and declaring the match to commence 

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And then Fudge announces the welcome to the audience and declaring the match to commence 

Later still rolling in the film we get back to tent where Harry and Ron chanted Krum's name while Fred and George cheered on the Irish and they all made fun of Ron for having a male crush on Krum 

Harry and Hermione And The Goblet Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now