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We roll with the scene where Harry and Neville are at the pond looking up what Moody gave Neville when they had tea from the film

We roll with the scene where Harry and Neville are at the pond looking up what Moody gave Neville when they had tea from the film

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And when Hermione Ginny and Ron come by as Ron makes Hermione tell Harry Hagrid's looking for him the mild change here

And when Hermione Ginny and Ron come by as Ron makes Hermione tell Harry Hagrid's looking for him the mild change here

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Harry: Why can't Ron just tell me himself? 

Hermione: I told him to and that I'm not an owl. Look....I know you're going through a lot but.....I can't be in the middle of this. 

Harry: I....I know....I'm sorry....

Hermione gave Harry a sad look and walked away as Ron just gave him a hateful stare and Harry wasn't in the mood for it 

And then we roll at the scene where Harry and Hagred are in the forest where everything plays the same from the film

(Side Note: After playing most of the Prisoner Of Azkaban the same I found a new way to play off scenes that don't change in this version. So for scenes that don't change I will be posting You-Tube Videos.)

After Harry learned Hagrid was there to see them he was more mad than ever felt knowing Harry maybe killed during this tournament Ron was too mad to even warn him about the Dragons and who could blame him 

We get when Hagrid asks him about them 

Hagrid: What's with you two anyway? You haven't spoken a word to one another since the Goblet Of Fire. 


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Harry and Hermione And The Goblet Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now