Prolouge - extinction

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Many years ago, a group of humans were discovered who could absorb and weaponise a variety of substances. These people were called conduits.

The military quickly started hunting and killing them. They believed that they were a threat to mankind, that their powers were unable to control. Soon enough, the government ordered all conduits to be turned in, but what happened was the opposite. Conduits became afraid of what would happen to them once they were caught, so they fled or hid amongst the people. Once that happened, the killings and the sightings dropped drastically. Until Augustine.

Augustine was an elite female member of the military, part of the group assigned to hunt conduits, until she herself was turned into one during battle. She was knocked unconscious and awoke hours later to find her battlefield in ruins and her fellow military members dead. All because of what she had now become. She found another conduit of a young age and the two of them hid in the city where she grew up. The city that now wanted them dead.

They had done nothing to hurt anyone, but they were still treated like monsters. Eventually, the military found them and Augustine was forced to make a choice between military and conduit. Instead, she made herself a third option: earn the government's respect. And so she did, by betraying and bringing in her first conduit alive.

The government then funded the DUP: a group of misfits lead by Augustine and fused with her power who rounded up conduits and locked them up. The government was convinced that the DUP was doing this to keep mankind safe but Augustine had other plans. She kept them safe and secure, even trained them, behind the indestructible walls of Curdun Cay station.

All was well, until the arrival of Delsin: an Akomish boy with the ability to absorb the powers of other conduits. With this ability, he travelled to Seattle to confront Augustine and free the locked up conduits at Curdun Cay. Augustine was not about to let all her hard work go to waste because of some insignificant boy with no idea of what she was doing. But Delsin wasn't going to let Augustine fool the government and trap his people behind bars. With blazing hearts and strong goals in mind, the two raged into a destructive battle that lit up Seattle.

And Delsin won.

He revealed Augustine's plan to the government and travelled to Curdun Cay to released the trapped conduits back into society. The DUP did their best to regain control but without support from the government, they were forced into hiding. Secretly, their organisation remained strong but with Delsin and the other conduits on the loose and no leader, they could do nothing but wait.

And so they waited. But for too long.

A race of terrifying giants suddenly appeared by the thousands and started feasting on the humans. They were called Titans. The conduits (led by Delsin) were forced to make an alliance with the DUP to fight back against them but they soon learned that the Titans were too bulky to be killed by bullets. And so it was up to the conduits and the DUP fused with Augustine's power to protect mankind.

Their efforts meant absolutely nothing.

The human race was pushed to near extinction by the Titans and many conduits died along the way. The DUP eventually built an enormous wall around what used to be Seattle for the remaining humans and conduits to live behind. There, a new city was built, a new government was formed and a new civilisation developed. It's been that way since.

Years passed and a large number of the remaining conduits, including Delsin, were sent outside the wall to fight the Titans, only to be extinguished. Augustine had returned to the DUP after being powerless for so long and apologised to the government, pleading for another chance to shield conduits in Curdun Cay. The prime minister: Professor Max Rush, was a conduit himself so he agreed to run Curdun Cay again but under the watchful eye of the government. With permission granted, the DUP set to work hunting down rogue conduits and training them in a secure environment as they had done once before. However, their efforts didn't go far.

Only eight conduits were found and they weren't eager to travel to a prison with a bunch of armed men who claimed that they had the authority to take their freedom. They fought back or ran, and have been for the past few months. Fighting for their freedom inside a city of concrete. A city just waiting to crumble.

Kind of ironic really.

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