Chapter 2 - assault

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Jade was downright pissed after the first explosion, but this was just getting ridiculous. An elite DUP guard rounded the corner on a floating concrete slab and fired another round of shrapnel bombs in Jade's direction. She leapt out of the way at the last second but still copped quite a few scratches from the blast. Slightly dizzy, she stood up and released a powerful concrete attack of her own. Into a wall. The elite guard laughed and advanced on the weakened conduit, preparing to finish the job and lock her up. However, the platform holding him up suddenly combusted in he fell to the ground hard. His vision was slightly blurred as he clumsily got to his feet. He was about to summon another concrete platform when something struck his back and sent spikes of pain rippling through his spine. He suddenly lost all feeling in the lower half of his body and dropped onto his back, which pushed the shard in further and pierced his heart. The fast healing powers that all conduits had started to take effect but it wasn't quick enough to save his life.

Tyson landed on the ground with a heavy thud and retrieved his glass shard from the dead guard. It dematerialised in his hands and sent a small wave of energy through his body.
"Jade, the battle's that way." He said, pointing back the way both he and the elite guard had come from.
Jade staggered for a moment before standing still on the spot with her arms extended to the side.
"Shut up. I'm completely fine." She snapped, to the wall she previously attacked.
The ground shuddered as a few more elite DUP members rounded the corner with full body concrete armour. Tyson got ready to fight, summoning a handful of glass shards to his hand.
"Jade, hide." He ordered. "You can't fight like this."
"Of course I can." She said, half way to the ground.

Tristan watched the events unfold from the rooftop, unsure of whether or not his help would be needed. Jade seemed completely out of the battle but Tyson was holding his own against the elites. They were tough, there was no doubt about that, but Tyson was a prime conduit. That alone was enough to beat even the strongest member of the DUP, who were all infused with a small amount of concrete power from an unknown source. They were only given enough to do their job, not to cause any major damage. However, these were DUP elites, and that's a different story.
"Die! You dirt munching scumbags!" Tyson yelled.
He then sprouted glass blades along his arms and skated across the ground like it was made of ice, straight toward the elites. The first armoured elite ran at Tyson with full speed to stop him in his tracks. At the last second, Tyson swerved to the side and stuck out his arm, so the elite ran straight into the glass blade. His armour crumbled and he rolled to a stop on the pavement in a heap. Tyson continued toward the other elites, who were now taking this guy seriously and therefore giving the fight one hundred percent effort. One elite with a heavy machine gun fired away at the incoming conduit. Tyson launched himself up over the attack and came down behind elite. He stuck his bladed hand into the elite's back and pulled it back out at once. The elite fell flat on his face and didn't get back up.
Another DUP elite stood nearby surrounded by a shield of concrete shrapnel.
"This guy is good." He said to one of his comrades.
"Too good," another elite replied, "we'll need more than we have here to bring him in."
The first elite cracked a grin. "Indeed. Call in the choppers, and everything else we can get."
Tristan overheard the exchange and quickly jumped down from the roof. He landed in front of the two DUP men and fired a large smoke screen blast in their faces. They both coughed and stumbled backward while Tristan escaped to help Tyson.

"God damn trucks can't give me friggen break." May complained.
She would've simply hid from the DUP but they had her surrounded, and now she had to use her powers to outrun the threat before she was cornered. Meaning, if she didn't flat out sprint there was gonna be trouble.
May rounded the next corner in a flash of neon light and dodged around the DUP troops that had set up a barrier.
They quickly gave chase on motorbikes and concrete clusters. If anyone watched from a distance, they would see a small purple neon light zooming through the streets followed closely by numerous motorbikes and mini concrete tornadoes. Unknown to May, two conduits were indeed watching and waiting from a distance.
"Let's go." One of them said. "She's about to need our help."
The air around May was mayhem. There were bullets flying everywhere and concrete shrapnel exploding all over the place. She only survived because her neon powers gave her the ability to phase through small obstacles while running.
"Bring her down!" The leader of the DUP group shouted over the noise.
A couple of men on concrete clusters glided over May's head rushed up the street. They landed on either side of the road and combined powers to form a concrete wall. May saw this as no challenge at all and sprinted faster down the road. At the last second, she jumped up over the wall with the assistance of her neon powers and fired two neon bolts at the DUP men before landing on the other side facing the wall. She heard a chorus of complaints and shouts as the rest of the DUP crashed into their own trap.
May turned to start running again but found that her feet couldn't leave the ground. The reason? Her legs were wrapped in a thick layer of concrete. May tried to break through with her neon bolts but the concrete wouldn't budge.
"Well, well, well." A woman's voice came from a crowd of DUP now surrounding May. "If it isn't our little sniper girl."
May tried her hardest to run away, recognising the voice, but her feet wouldn't move. The woman approached her and the concrete rose to cover her waist as well. She had dark brown hair tied back in a bun and the signs of ageing were present as wrinkles on her face. She wore a dark blue suit that came down to her knees and tight black jeans with black boots and gloves. She looked official, with a sense of superiority and youth despite the ageing signs.
"May." She said in a calming voice. "It's time you came with me to live in Curdun Cay."
May glared through neon purple eyes. "Never, Augustine. Your so-called station is no more than a prison for our kind."
Augustine chuckled. "You're right on the point that it's a prison, but you misunderstand what it's built for."
"I know exactly what it's built for."
"Do you?"
Augustine walked a slow circle around May, the concrete now rising to May's stomach.
"Tell me then, what is Curdun Cay built for?"
May grunted under the pressure of the concrete. "It's a place for conduits. A place where you bind them up and keep them from using their powers."
"Quite the opposite." Augustine said, finishing her circle.
Before May could ask what she meant, the temperature suddenly dropped a few degrees and a couple of trucks blocking the road were toppled over by a snowy gust of wind. The DUP all scrambled away from the trucks in panic.
"What's going on?" Augustine said, in a voice much louder than you'd expect from a woman of her age.
As if on cue, another gust of snowy wind ripped through the DUP line and knocked them all over like bowling pins. The men left standing then proceeded to fall over one by one, realising that the road was covered in slippery snow. A boy with white hair wearing a grey long sleeve shirt and jeans skated along the icy ground from behind the trucks and came to a stop near the two conduits.
"Come now Augustine," Harley said, "it's not nice to keep a conduit trapped like this."
May smiled at Harley, who winked back with a grin.
Augustine's body tensed up. "Harley. It's not nice to interfere with government business."
Harley raised an eyebrow. "Government?"
"Yes, government. Recently, the DUP joined forces with the prime minister, who is also a conduit. He agreed to fund the DUP and help rebuild Curdun Cay."
"He obviously had no idea what Curdun Cay was for."
Augustine cracked a smile. "Oh no, he knew everything. Which is why if you come with me to Curdun Cay, you will be supervised by the prime minister as well as me. So, ask yourself, if the prime minister has authority over Curdun Cay, how could I possibly do what you accuse me of and get away with it?"
Harley was quick to reply. "There is no way."
Augustine crossed her arms. "Exactly."
"But I never accused you of doing the things that people say. I only said it's not nice to keep a conduit trapped, which is exactly what putting them in a prison would do."
"Your a smart boy, Harley. Smarter than some of your conduit friends. So it disappoints me that you choose not to come to Curdun Cay, the smartest decision."
Harley shrugged his shoulders. "I simply prefer freedom over prison, and on that note I'm afraid we must be leaving. Thank you for the offer, but my friends are in trouble. We conduits need to look out for each other right?"
Suddenly, a large origami dove swooped down from the sky and plucked the concrete covered May from behind Augustine. As she turned around, Harley took the distraction and launched himself up after the bird in a whirlwind of snow. May gave a small squeal of fright and hoped nobody heard.
Harley flew up next to her. "Calm down, we're only twenty metres up or so."
May muttered something about stupid snowy conduits.
The paper bird kept flying away from Augustine until they could no longer see her. It then flew up to the top of a building and dropped May from a few metres up before disappearing in a paper flurry. She cursed when she hit the rooftop and the concrete broke apart.
"Goodness, May." Harley said, landing beside her. "There's no need for that language."
May shot him an irritated look. "Oh, I'm sorry. Next time I'll be careful what I say when I'm picked up by a giant bird and dropped on a rooftop."
Harley cracked a wide grin. "You're welcome. Hey Quinn? Get up here!"
From somewhere below them, a flurry of paper billowed up the wall and circled the two conduits before stopping next to Harley.
"Hey May." A short girl with matching brown hair said quietly.
"Hi Quinn, how are you?" May asked.
Quinn held her hands behind her and started rocking back and forth on her heels. "I've been alright, you?"
"All good. The DUP has been a pain in the ass though."
Quinn nodded. "We kept getting chased but luckily if there's one thing paper is good for, it's escaping DUP."
Harley put a hand on Quinn's shoulder. "You did well just now. Thanks to you, May is not currently paralysed in concrete. Which is always a good thing."
"Uh, thanks." Quinn said, looking down. "Anything to help a friend."
May nodded in agreement. "Thank you both for getting me out of there. Now, I think we have some more friends to rescue. Am I right?"
"Right you are." Harley said. "The others got ambushed by elites and from the sounds of it, they didn't take it so well. They need our assistance, all three of us."
He looked down at Quinn who smiled lightly. "We're gonna have to fight hard to get them out of there. It's gonna be tough, but we can do it."
May raised an eyebrow. "Tough? Ha! We're conduits, nothing is tough for us."
Harley chuckled. "With that attitude, what are we waiting for?"
All three conduits jumped off the roof and activated their powers. They zoomed toward the horizon as a paper flurry, a snowy gust and a neon light.

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