Chapter 1 - reckless

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"Piss off, jackasses!" Jade screamed from the rooftop. "You'll never catch us!"
From down on the ground, a DUP agent picked up his walkie and requested reinforcements from Curdun Cay.
"Understood." A female voice on the other end confirmed. "We'll send an elite squad. They won't get away this time."
Jade turned to Tyson with a winning smile. "They're hopeless, we hardly have to fight anymore. It's more like... swatting flies."
Tyson laughed at the clever use of a simile. "Maybe they'll just give up! We've taken down at least half of the entire DUP."
"What does that even mean?" Jade asked, looking at the three big letters spray-painted across the numerous trucks surrounding the building.
Tyson shrugged. "No idea. Definitely Useless People?"
Both conduits fell into hysterics.

Tristan watched the two rogue conduits from a nearby abandoned cafe. He wanted to join them, fight the DUP and live a reckless life. However, he also had no intention of going to Curdun Cay, and fighting the DUP greatly increased his chances of getting captured.
"What's going on now?" Kiwi asked, appearing at Tristan's side.
"Jade and Tyson." He replied, leaving the window to find something to eat.
Kiwi took a quick look out the window and shut the blinds. "They're gonna get themselves caught and they know it."
Tristan dug around in a dark cupboard until he found a loaf of mouldy bread. He took out a slice and tried to take a bite but it broke apart and fell on the floor. He threw the entire loaf in the bin and lit a cigarette with his fingertip instead.
"Dude, seriously?" Kiwi said, disgusted. "Could you not do that in here?"
Tristan sat down on a torn leather couch. "That's a great idea, maybe I'll offer the DUP guys one too."
Kiwi rolled her eyes and pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket.
"Of course." She said. "No battery. Not to worry though."
She tapped the screen and a web of electric sparks danced across it before switching on the phone with full power.
"Of course!" She repeated, more agitated than before. "No wifi!"

Professor Rush took one look at the pile of documents on his desk and face-planted. He was strongly drawn to the scent of the carpet and the temptation was too much. That, and this position helped him think. He stayed that way for a while until a loud knock on his office door made him jump.
"Professor!" A scientist (Max's favourite) burst into the room, his black hair a mess and his glasses crooked. "You'll never gue- oh."
The professor looked up into the intense eyes of Alex and sighed.
"Join me." He said.
Alex looked confused but obeyed, the excitement of his breakthrough slowly dimming.
"Now." The professor said, rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling. "Tell me what this sudden entrance is all about."
Alex's eyes scanned the antique room. It wasn't much, just a desk, a huge bookshelf and a large globe. "Oh professor, we've finally determined the formula of genes that gives conduits their power."
The professor looked doubtful. "Really?"
"You think I'm joking, professor?" Alex said, jumping to his knees.
The old man laughed and pulled himself to a sitting position. "You never change, Alex. I would never doubt your scientific knowledge. I mean, who am I to judge."
He gestured sadly to the tower of paper.
"If you want, I could help you finish writing them?" Alex offered.
The professor smiled through his fuzzy white beard. "That would be appreciated."

May outran the truck by a long shot, even stopping for lunch on the way. She chowed down and took off again before the DUP could even get within a mile. She zipped up to the top of a tall building and scanned the horizon, but the glare of the sunrise was too strong for even May to see the truck. She sat down on a cardboard box and tied her blonde hair back in a ponytail, making sure that the purple streaks were visible. Now incredibly bored, she decided to call someone. 
When May took her phone out, it started buzzing in her hand and the name "Harley" flashed on the screen.
"So much for choosing." May said, answering the call. "Hello?"
"Hey!" A happy sounding male's voice said from the other end. "How are you?"
May massaged her aching leg and replied modestly, "I'm fine, just a little tired. You?"
Harley chuckled. "We've been better. We just got chased by an army of DUP guys."
"Same." May said, laying down on the cardboard. "How's Quinn?"
"She's alright." Harley answered. "She got a little freaked when the DUPs showed up but once we escaped she calmed down."
A siren blared a few streets away from May's building, echoing into the distance.
"Ugh." May groaned. "I outran that bloody truck by a hectare in a few minutes. It can't be the same one, and that means there's DUPs everywhere."
Harley hummed on the other end. "I heard from Kiwi that Jade and Tyson got attacked by some elite DUP troops earlier and now they're causing a ruckus. Her and Tristan were actually preparing to help them when she texted me not long ago. Maybe we should check it out?"
"Maybe." May answered, disliking the idea. "I'll update you if I hear anything."
"Ok." Harley said cheerfully. "Talk to you later, Laser girl."
"See yah, Frosty."
May shut her phone and put it down on the roof next to her head. It would wake her up if it buzzed again, but for now she needed a rest.

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