Chapter 1

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Lights flickered across the floor, lighting up the stains of alcohol and other bodily fluids.


I was sat in the kitchen, Hange waffling on my side and occasionally elbowing my ribs playfully. I picked up my glass, refilling it with some sort of intoxicating substance, anything would do. I noticed Jean and Conny, childishly slow dancing to the rhythmic waves of bass blasting from the speakers. House parties were always chaotic, especially when hosted by a dingus like Conny.

His parents were out of town this weekend, making it easy to sneak in a couple hundred horny teenagers to dance and drink.

Perfect planning, really.

Hange snatches my attention, burping loudly; the smell making my nose scrunch.

"So, planning on getting laid tonight?" She asks, imitating the idea by thrusting her hips into the table and groaning. She was practically yelling over the vibrations of the music. I shoved her shoulder, grimacing at the idea of being fucked by anybody here.

"Do you have to be so direct?" I say, my head falling to the table. A long sigh left my lips and my eyes screwed shut. I had always been a lightweight and somehow it's only taken me three years of nasty hangovers and weird hookups to realise that.

"Hey, I'm only teasing!" She slurs, spilling her drink slightly and giggling at her own clumsy remark.

All at once, Jean slams his hand onto the table.

"Shit!" I yell, grasping my chest and glaring at him. Another jump-scare tonight and I'd be in the hospital.

"Y/n! Our songs on," He states, smiling giddily in my direction. He took a couple steps backwards and bowed, holding out his hand for me to take.

"My lady," He burps, looking up from his dumb position.

At this point, I was too drunk to care. I grabbed his hand and straightened out my little red dress, I tied the shoelace of my converse before walking with Jean to the middle of the disaster Conny called a party.

I begin swaying my hips to the rhythm, Jean holding onto my waist tightly. He was either obsessed with this song or trying not to fall over. He leaned close, the smell of cheap cologne lingering on his neck. Sober, this would feel so very wrong. However, the alcohol in my system was telling me that it was right.

The sensation of dark eyes burning into the back of my head sways over my entire body; in fact, I recognised this feeling.


I turned around, Levi was intensely gazing at my every move. All my life, he had hated everything I did. It was as though he had a constant rain cloud over his head, thundering at any interaction between the two of us.

I glared back, the alcohol in my system giving me some sort of confidence. I pushed back against Jean, my hips moving in time with his; all the while staring down at Levi from across the room.

Levi scoffed and took a sip of his drink, his long finger trailing around the rim of the glass.

What an asshole, I thought to myself, before finishing the song with a teasing curtsey and once again sitting down next to Hange.

Thank you for reading this first chapter! I had fun writing it and I hope to have even more fun writing the rest. :)

-Levisdoll 🫶🏻

Spin the Bottle ~ | Levi Ackerman |Where stories live. Discover now