Chapter Four

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I hopped into my car, and before hitting the road, I tuned in to the Patiently album. Despite a lengthy workday, a surge of ecstasy and energy enveloped me. The reason? I had just engaged in a conversation with my celebrity crush! Sure, I've attended concerts and snagged tickets for meet and greets before, but this encounter felt unique. We shared genuine conversation, and there was a connection. He appeared authentically pleased and invested, as if I had accomplished something extraordinary, all for the simple act of pouring him a cup of coffee.

I parked the car, stepped out, took a refreshing shower, and then settled into bed. However, before drifting off, I couldn't help but entertain the hopeful wish that Charlie would return, allowing me to once again witness his joyous smile and optimistic gaze.

I rose from bed, went through my usual morning routine, and headed to Retro Bites with a glimmer of hope that he might return.

Reality sank in; the likelihood of his return seemed slim. I acknowledged that I was merely a fan, nothing extraordinary. The subpar service at Retro Bites, with only one waitress providing him nothing beyond coffee, made it clear that he probably wouldn't be lured back for the food either.

The clock strikes noon. Time for my lunch break. I grab a sandwich I had made earlier in the day, and sit in an empty booth. Just as I unwrap my meal, the bell above the diner dings, and I instinctively look towards the door. Charlie. He came back. My heart immediately starts skipping a beat as I notice him walk towards my booth.

"Hey, Polly!" he greets, and my internal excitement peaks when I realize he remembered my name without glancing at my name tag. "Do you mind if I join you this time?"

I chuckle at his reference to the previous night and enthusiastically respond with a bright "Yes!" He sets down his belongings and takes a seat directly across from me.

"Why did you return? The last visit was marked by awful service," I inquire, harboring a concern that he might have returned out of pity for me.

"Well, I can't complain about the service, given that I arrived right before closing," he began. "Plus, I met a friendly waitress I was hoping to see again." A subtle blush tinted his cheeks as he mentioned the friendly waitress.

Out of sheer curiosity and perhaps a touch of ignorance, I asked, "Which waitress? I was the only one here when you walked in." Almost instantly, I realized my mistake and exclaimed, "Ohhh, oops." Charlie and I burst into laughter, both of us collapsing into heaps of amusement.

I quickly discovered that talking with Charlie was effortless; we just clicked. Our connection felt so natural, akin to those cheesy Hallmark movies where the couple instantly becomes best friends within minutes of meeting each other.

After a while, I stood up. "I'm sorry, Charlie, but my lunch break is over. It was great chatting with you."

"Hey, what if we swap phones? That way, we can exchange numbers," Charlie suggested, followed by, "We really hit it off, and I'd love to stay in touch with you."

"Absolutely!" I exclaimed, and we exchanged numbers. I casually entered "Polly Lucas," but when Charlie returned my phone, I noticed the name he used: "Charlie Green/CG5❤️." My heart skipped a beat at the sight of the heart.

"I like the name," I remarked, and Charlie's face blushed a shade deeper.

"Well, I appreciate your taste in wallpaper. I thought that photo of mine turned out well; I'm glad you liked it," Charlie said, and this time, it was my turn to blush.

After exchanging our goodbyes, I resumed my workday, filled with happiness from making a new friend who also happened to be my hero.

The Person I Thought I Knew (A CG5 x O.C Story)Where stories live. Discover now