Wwwwoah dude!

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As ray skidded into the lobby he was met with a gust of air as someone darted past him. He whipped around and felt something bump into him and he comically fell to the ground upon impact. Frank turned and looked at ray, collapsped on the olive garden carpet.Kind of like that glue trap drawing minus the glue trap and being dead. "OOPSIE" He stated.Into the megaphone. Ray sighed by saying the word. He got up, dusted off his pants and skedaddled after frank back into the olive garden employee break room.

"BILLIE JOE THANK YOU FOR COMING" Frank screamed into the megaphone. Billie put two fingers in his ears because of how fucking loud frank was oh my GOD shut UP. Billie pointed one of his fingers(the other still in his ear) at mikey. "Dude. What the shit." 

"MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" Frank said. "This is my business. Crying emoji angry emoji" Billie retorted, crossing one arm (finger still in one ear). Frank scowled. "Did you just add emojis to your sentence during an actual conversa

"RAY SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Billie and frank screamed in perfect sync. Ray sighed (by saying the word) and sat down. he rested his face in his hands, annoyed and bored. The duffel bag on the floor caught his attention. "What's that????????????????????????//" he asked, pointing at the bag, it's seams hangaing on for dear life from whatever was inside. As if on cue mike dirnt and tre cool popped out of the bag like a jack in the box. Ray stared in bewilderment. "ta da." Billie said joyously. 

"?????????????????" Ray said, looking at billie. "????????????????????????????????????" Billie said back. Frank shrugged. "OKAY SO BASICALLY GERARD ISNT ACTUALLY GERARD AND AALSO GABE ASPORTA IS THE MANAGER" He explained. Billie gasped. "Gabe saporta! i know that guy! He made my favourite album, While the City Sleeps, We Rule the Streets is the debut studio album by Cobra Starship. It was released on October 10, 2006 in the US, and on October 17, 2006 in Canada. A rough clip of "Send My Love to the Dancefloor, I'll See You In Hell (Hey Mister DJ)", a finished version of "Snakes on a Plane (Bring It)", and "The Church of Hot Addiction" were uploaded onto Cobra Starship's PureVolume site. "The Church of Hot Addiction" was also used as the theme song for the WWE's Great American Bash 2007.[9] It has sold more than 69,000 copies to date." He explained briskly, pulling out his cd copy. "I hipe i can get this signed."

"GABE SAPORTA IS THE EVIL OLIVE GARDEN MANAGER" Frank corrected him. "Oh shiiiiit" Mike and tre said in perfect sync. Billie gasped like kevin from home aloene.(his finger is still in one ear and will be for the duration of this chapter. frank has some decibels dude) "Wjat the shit. I trusted him." Ray nodded in agreement. "yeah.......... Its really messed up..... In my opinion...."

"WE AHVE TO SAVE GERARD BEFORE HE EXPLODES" Frank contuneud casually. Mike and tre gasped like kevin from hoem alone. "THE LAST TIME THIS HAPPENED AND PETE WENTZ GOT A JOB AT OLIVE GARDEN HE EXPLODED." 

 "HE WAS FINE THOUGH." Ray added on. "But isnt this gerard not actually gerard???Why do we need to save him let him die lmao" Billie questioned, scratching his noggin. "THE REAL GERARD WILL EXPLODE TOO. MIKEY HAS THE LORE I WOULD GET HIM TO EXPLAIN BUT HES UNCONCIOUS" Frank pointed at mikey's passed out form for clarification. "Wake him up??????????" Billie furrowed his brows. "Nuh uh

"BILLIE. YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN HELP US." Frank slammed his hands on the coffee table and placed his megaphone to the side, staring at billie. Billie gulped. ".......................Okay." Billie sighehd. "But be warnned.... this could backfire./................"

Frank sigehd into his megaphone then repeated his sigh because it wasnt loud enough and didn't really get the point across. "THIS IS OUR ONLY HOPE." Billie nodded.d He looked at his bandmatdes. "Pass me my tomes." 

Mikey suddenly awoke and shot up with a shriek. "ISJUT HAD A PROPHETIC DREAM"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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