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"You're safe. We've got you." Where the final muffled words I heard through my helmet before the world around me started to fade into one of darkness. In this moment the only thought flooding through my brain was that I knew the words you just told me where a bold faced lie, you don't know that and neither do I.
My back meets the gurney behind me, almost knocking the breath out of my lungs, I squeeze my eyes shut trying to wake myself up from whatever hellish dream this must be.
I feel somebody's hands unclasp my helmet from under my chin before slowly lifting it off my head, my balaclava coming off seconds after.
"Open those eyes for me, Norris."
Her tone comes off sweet yet assertive as she holds the sides of my neck.
I try. I'm really trying.
"C'mon, open them up for me."
Her tone changes from the sweet one I heard just seconds ago to a more serious one.
I promise, I'm trying. I really am.
"Can we switch over to burn lights, please"
She calls out to somebody else in the back of the ambulance, the lighting quickly changes from bright clinical lights to red ones, enveloping us in a sea of red.
"Burns?" I murmur.
"Burn lights" She corrects me.
"Im burned?" I sound almost like a scared child, my voice coming out in a whisper.
"No, their just not as harsh on the eyes. Can you open your eyes for me, Norris?" She asks, her hands still holding the sides of my neck.
My eyes open, slowly but surely and dart around the now moving ambulance.
"Perfect" she mumbles as her eyes dart between mine almost as if she's looking for something.
"Perfect? Is that why you're still holding my neck?" Now is not the time for jokes, Lando.
"I'm glad to see you've not hurt your sense of humour. I'm holding you to support your neck, need to check you've not done any lasting damage"
Her smile falters as her sentence completes almost as if she doesn't want to think of the final outcome this could have on me.
"Oh" Is all I can manage to say in response. 'Lasting damage'
"It's all precautionary, from the way you jumped out the car I will be surprised if it's anything more than a concussion...maybe a little whiplash." She reassures, her thumb moves back and forth in the side of my neck for a second in a reassuring way before she stills it and her professionalism takes over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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