Season 02 - Chapter 02 (07)

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Time Jump~

Shawn Mullen's POV~

"Day 44
August 6, 2018

The ENTIRE camp is playing baseball today. I hope I'm on a team with Mark, Victor, and Carly because Mark is stronger than Maria, Victor is my boyfriend, and Carly is pretty damn good at sports. I wouldn't mind if Kaine is on my team since he'd likely be more comfortable with us.

Sydney and Albert, though? Sorry, Sydney, but baseball isn't your forte, though now that I think about it, maybe it'd be best if you were on my team so you don't distract your brother. As for Albert, I guess I wouldn't mind having you on my team just so you wouldn't play against Victor.

Anyway, there's no hope in, well, getting my hopes up because Mark and Maria will be in charge of splitting everyone into teams. I don't want to have all this hope only to find out I'm on a team with literally zero of my friends. I mean, I HAVE to be on either Mark's or Maria's team, but...

Go whatever team Shawn is on!

—Shawn Mullen"

In the brick bathhouse, bright and early in the morning, male campers were running around as they prepared for the big day. Victor and I were standing at the sinks and applying sunscreen. Not even his hat's visor could protect his precious face from the sun's potentially harmful rays.

"You know, I don't mean to make you worry or anything," the older sibling with thick black brows said, "but last night, Sydney seemed a little... off, more off than she usually is, I mean."

"How so?" I questioned.

"It was just... one of those moments where you can hear in someone's voice and see in their expression and tell that something is wrong, you know? I don't know how else to describe it."

"Trust me, I know exactly what you mean because of Kaine. Do your parents know anything?"

Victor shrugged. "They haven't said anything, not to me anyway. Maybe I'm just overthinking, though, since she's my sister. She acts differently for one night, and I think something is up."

"Or maybe you know one hundred percent that something is up because she's your sister."

"Nah, I don't care about her that much."

Scowling jovially, I yanked down on the gamer's Rockbrook Camp cap. We laughed as he took it off, ruffled his dirty-blond hair, and slapped it back on perfectly just as Albert opened the door and approached one of the vacant sinks. The mood changed from fun to awkward painfully fast.

"Is everyone out there ready to meet Mark and Maria at the lodge for breakfast?" I quizzed.

The art teacher replied coolly. "Just about. Some of us were talking about teams while waiting for the rest of you. Do you think the camp leaders will be generous enough to let us pick them?"

"It's definitely possible, but it's for certain they're smart enough to know letting us pick teams can make the game too unfair. I say they'll either pick them themselves or pick them randomly."

The Molina member nodded, then finished washing and drying his hands. "Good luck anyway."

"Yeah, good luck."

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