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Warnings: This book will contain swearing, mentions of drinking, cheating (don't cheat on your partners), and age-gap relationship, and mentions of self doubt (love yourselves please, at least try too<3), mentions and past memories of self harm is mentioned and somewhat goes into detail (please talk to someone if you are ever thinking about doing so.).  If you are not comfortable with these topics don't read this.


"Are you sure you're alright with this?"

"As long as I have you I'm ok with anything."

San Francisco 2002

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San Francisco

It's been going on for almost a year. Every night, Alex would come home after midnight, smelling like cigarettes, alcohol, and sex.  Every night for the past year, she'd hear sounds from her neighbor's apartment like she would never mistake for Alex.  Every single night, it was routine.  Alicia was sick of it, she was sick of coming home from work and hearing her neighbor giggling, she was sick of Alex acting like he didn't know that she knew he was cheating, she was sick of it.

      Hearing the ding of the elevator, Alicia snapped out of her thoughts as she stepped onto her floor, immediately being greeted with the sound of her neighbor Mary trying so hard to keep her moans down, and the sound of who she could never mistake grunting. But this time it wasn't from Mary's apartment.  It had been coming from her own.  Alicia froze.  Out of all the years she had known Alex, she thought he'd at least have the human decency to not fuck their neighbor in their own home.  Slowly creeping her way to the door, Alicia hoped she was so worng on what she thought was going on behind those doors.  She knew she wasn't, she had no idea why she had hoped the opposite.  Alex had treated her like shit this past year, he hasn't touched her for a year, every time he even laid a hand on her arm, her skin felt like it was on fire.

      Slowly, Alicia put her key into the door, hoping she wouldn't see what she already knew was on the other side.  "Oh fuck Alex~." Alicia was greeted with Mary moaning her boyfriends name the second she opened the apartment door.

"Come on baby, come on." Alex groaned, having no clue Alicia was home early.

Alicia felt tears forming in her eyes, she quietly shut the door behind her, not even bothering to take off her shoes of drop her bag as she crept her way over to the bedroom, being greeted with the exact thing she hoped wasn't happening.

Of course Alicia was wrong. There they were. Mary on her side of the bed, Alex on top of her, both moaning their heads off. "Oh fu-" Mary lifted her body up, wrapping an arm around Alex, making almost immediate eye contact with Alicia who now had tears falling. "Alex." Mary had a panicked look on her face as she started slapping his back to get him off of her.

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