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"Are you sure you're alright with this?"

"As long as I have you I'm ok with anything."

      Just as James said, 45 minutes later, Alicia heard a soft knock on her door

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      Just as James said, 45 minutes later, Alicia heard a soft knock on her door.  Alicia had tried her best to make herself not look homeless.  She fixed her hair, put on a bit of makeup, but her eyes gave it all away.  Her eyes made it noticeable that she was sad, that she was crying.

      Getting up from the couch, Alicia walked over to the door, finding James on the other side of it with a bag in his hand and a warm smile on his face. Alicia felt that comfort she had been missing all day the second she saw him, "hi." Alicia chirped sadly.

James could tell that today was not her day at all. Yet, even with the red eyes, slightly messy hair, he still thought she was beautiful, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. "Hi. Can I come in?" James asked, a soft smile still on his face.

"Yea, come on in." Alicia moved out of the way so James could come in. "Thank you for buying food. You really didn't have to." Alicia saw that he had personally went to the store to buy stuff instead of grabbing take out like she thought he would have.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted too, and besides, I'll never pass a chance of getting better with my cooking." James tried to lighten Alicia's mood.

"Well I'm interested to taste this cooking of yours then." Alicia let a genuine smile fall onto her face, yet her eyes didn't change a single thing.

"I swear, I'm somewhat decent at cooking." James threw his hands up in defense, finally turning around to face the girl. Now James got a good look at her. She eyes were as red as a cherry, her entire demeanor just seemed off. For some reason, it hurt him seeing her this sad.

A silence fell between the pair for a moment, "do you wanna talk about it?" James softly asked, stepping a bit closer to the girl, fighting the urge to hug her. James wanted to hug her, he wanted to tell her everything was gonna be ok, but he just wasn't sure how she felt about that right now.

It was almost like Alicia had read James's mind, "it's been that shitty of a day that I just really need a hug right now...please?" Alicia felt tears forming back in her eyes, staring at the ground, almost ashamed that she asked for a hug.

James didn't even say a word before he made that final step, wrapping the girl in his arms. Alicia almost immediately wrapped her arms around him, feeling James rest his head on top of hers, allowing her to bury her face in his chest.  Things finally felt right.  It felt right being in each others arms, to both of them.  That pit of emptiness had finally been filled.

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