thank you, Jackson

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Youngji's POV

"maybe yes? I'm not sure too. I feel it's better to move on from him. because of my own feelings, I often feel awkward when I'm with Jb. I want to feel comfortable around the person that I like."

"do you feel comfortable around me?" , Jackson asks me seriously. I see at his face and meet his eyes.

"yep! I do feel comfortable around you. you're funny, Jackson" , I smile at him and I pinch his cheeks. his eyes still meet with mine.

"so, why don't you just move on to me?" , WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT. I feel my cheeks burning. my smile fades and I break the eye-contact. does it mean he likes me?!

"...uhm, Jackson can you help me to glue this?" , I try to break this awkward moment. It's not that I don't like him. I realized that actually I like Jackson a bit. it's because I feel comfortable around him. But I really don't have the thought to move on to him. so I don't know how to answer his question.

"yaa youngji-ah! I'm just kidding! hahaha. don't take it serious. and okay, I know you like Jb. I won't tell Jb. why are you so startled? hahaha, so cute." , I feel relieve that he actually only kidding. He pinches my cheeks and our eyes meet again. I smile to him.

"oh nice Jackson. you got me! by the way, let's finish this project" , we do the project together and when It's time for him to go back, suddenly it's raining outside. The rain is pretty heavy and it's dangerous if He goes back right now.

"hey Jackson, it's raining pretty heavy"

"I know and I need to go back"

" can sleep here if you want" , I ask him to stay. I just think it's a better solution.

"okay If it's better. I will sleep on the sofa, and don't worry, I won't bother your beauty sleep"

"we have a guest room! you can use it"

suddenly the thunder strikes. I can't avoid the fact that I'm scared with thunder. so I cringed, I hug my knees in front of my chest. and then Jackson comes closer to me.

"..youngji? are you okay? I guess you're scared with thunder?"

"y-yes.. I-i'm scared with thunder.."

my feet becomes weaker, I can't even stand up. It's getting late and I need to go to my room.

"hey, don't force yourself to stand up. let's go, I will carry you" , suddenly Jackson carries me and I don't stop him. because I can't walk anymore. I tell him where is my room located.

and then he lies me on my bed gently. I'm getting weaker because the thunder strikes louder.

"go to sleep, so you can't hear the thunder anymore. I will clean the floor and put the project inside the guest room. tomorrow, I will leave early since I don't have school uniform"

"...c-can you stay here? I-I'm scared" , usually my mom will accompany me when I'm scared with the thunder. I need him to stay with me until the thunder stops.

"huh? alright, I'll sit next to you until you fall asleep" , Jackson doesn't reject it. but I see him uncomfortable sit on the chair.

"Jackson.. you may sit here." , I offer him to sit beside me.

"okay, stop worrying about me, just sleep." , He puts my blanket on me. I start to fall asleep.

Jackson's POV

"okay, stop worrying about me, just sleep." , I put her blanket on her. She starts to fall asleep. once the thunder strikes so loud, I let her hold my hand. she holds my hand so tight, I can't loose the grip. my eyelids become heavy, and then I fall asleep.

the sun seems so bright, so I open my eyes. and then I see Youngji still holds my hand tightly. She doesn't loosen the grip while she sleeps. I see her face, she looks cuter when she's sleeping. I can't help but smile. and suddenly she wakes up and she's startled. her hand still holding mine.

"WHOA JACKSON, why are you here!?"

"you're scared with thunder. and you asked me to stay here." , It seems she forgets because she's so scared last night.

"...oh, sorry I forget"

"hey do you like my hand that much?" , I tease her because she's still holding my hand.

"huh? uh sorry!!! I-I don't realize. Did I hold your hand when I slept? so that's why you couldn't go? " , actually it's not because of that. I just don't want to leave her alone, when she's scared. so I chose not to leave.

"it's okay, you don't need to apologize. I stayed here because you looked so fragile and scared, I thought you need someone beside you" , I tell her the reason.

"....thank you , Jackson. you' kind"

"it's not a big deal, Youngji" , I smile to her. and she smiles too.

suddenly her smile fades,


"whoaa calm down!" , I open my phone to see the clock , "it's 6:30"

"damn! I'll be late again!! and why are you not going back to your apartment? you don't have school uniform right?" , the school starts on 7:00. she starts to panic, she's cute tho.

"yeah, I'll go and I'll come to school late today"

"how can you're so calm when school starts on 30 minutes"

"I'm not scared of being punished haha, I'll go and you don't need to come outside. just take a shower and go to school on time! bye, Youngji!" , I wave my hand as I walk to the door. she waves me back and she hurries to take a shower. I go back to my apartment.

I think I should spend more times with her.

this is my chance so she can move on to me.

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