The Work Party

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Santana was not sure why she agreed to show up at this party that Jack Jones was hosting. She absolutely despised the man. When she first started working at Jones Law Firm, he had been completely inappropriate to her. He would always put his hand on her lower back and whenever she would try to maneuver away, he would just move closer or make some unnecessary comment about women and how everyone is so sensitive these days. Santana was also certain that Jack was hooking up with the firm's secretary, Lacy. She had a feeling Jack's wife, Sarah, knew about it too, but she figured Sarah was the type of woman who didn't mind, since she was also getting something from Jack that was more worthwhile than fidelity—a lot of money. Santana honestly respected Sarah a lot if that was the case. She would probably be the same. However, she grimaced at the thought of being married to a man like Jack—or any man for that matter.

As she walked around the party, she felt awkward and out of place. To cope, she did what she usually does and found a place to stand near a table so she could judge the other partygoers. Luckily, there was no one else at the table, so she took a sip of her drink, set it down, and looked around.

She saw a bunch of men in fancy suits, who she figured worked in corporate law, standing with their hands in their pockets and nodding their heads as they listened to each other talk. She knew if there was a woman in that group, there would be a lot more interrupting than what she saw between the men. She also judged them for deciding to wear suits. Yes, they were at a party for their law firm, but it seemed absurd to get dressed up that much for an after-work party. Who were they trying to impress? Jack Jones? Santana laughed at how gay that seemed. Then she laughed to herself again, realizing that straight men—at least straight men in corporate law—are actually probably one of the gayest demographics of people. As she was laughing to herself, the devil himself appeared before her. Sarah, his wife, was with him.

"Santana Lopez! I can't believe you showed your face at one of these parties," said Jack.

"I honestly can't believe it either," replied Santana. "But what else is a single woman going to do on a Friday night?"

"Exactly," replied Jack. "Although I am shocked you are still single. None of those young handsome men at the firm have caught your eye?"

Santana figured Jack was probably referring to himself.

"Well not in the way they would have liked to. Besides, men hold no value for me."

Santana swore she saw Sarah smile a little at what she had just said.

"Oh that's right. I forgot you play for the other team," Jack said. "I'm sorry about that. I'm sure the pickings are a lot slimmer then."

Santana did not respond, except for a polite nod of her head, because everything she did want to say would probably get her fired.

"Have you met my wife?" Jack asked, trying to recover the conversation.

Santana nodded.

"We have met," said Santana. "It was a while ago, so Sarah might not remember, but we've definitely met."

Sarah smiled.

"Oh I remember," she said. "I'm surprised you do though."

"Santana has got one hell of a memory," interjected Jack. "I think it's how she wins all of her cases."

"That's actually very kind of you, Jack, thank you."

"Of course," replied Jack. "You are one of the best criminal defense lawyers New York has ever seen. You might even be one of the best this country has ever seen."

Santana actually couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was Jack Jones complimenting something other than her body?

"Thank you. Wow. That is very kind of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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