Chapter Ten: Only Us and Something There

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On the way back home, Maddie and Gaston start singing.

Maddie: I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you. I don't need you to search for the proof that I should. You don't have to convince me. You don't have to be scared you're not enough 'cause what we've got going is good. I don't need more reminders of all that's been broken. I don't need you to fix what I'd rather forget. Clear the slate and start over. Try to quiet the noises in your head. We can't compete with all that. So what if it's us? What if it's us and only us and what came before won't count anymore or matter? Can we try that? What if it's you and what if it's me and what if that's all that we need it to be and the rest of the world falls away? What do you say?

Gaston: I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me.

Maddie: Well.

Gaston: So I give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go. But if you really see me. If you like me for me and nothing else. Well, that's all that I've wanted for longer than you could possibly know. So it can be us. It can be us and on - ly us and what came before won't count anymore or matter.

Both: We can try that it's not so impossible.

Gaston: Nobody else but the two of us here.

Both: 'Cause you're saying it's possible. We can just watch the whole world disappear 'til you're the only one I still know how to see.

Gaston: It's just you and me.

Maddie: It'll be us, it'll be us and only us and what came before won't count anymore.

Both: We can try that you and me that's all that we need it to be and the rest of the world falls away and the rest of the world falls away. The world falls away, the world falls away and it's only us.

They finally reach the bar in the village.

The next morning, Maurice was still tied up near the tree Gaston had left him on. The wolves had not found him but the cold night had weakened him. When he finally woke up, he saw Agathe standing in front of him, only just finding him in the woods. She untied him from the ropes and took him back to her home which was under a fallen tree. There, Agathe put Maurice down on her bed and prepared some tea to help him get better. Agathe helped him to drink, as he had become too cold to want to do anything, shivering to try and get his body head back to normal. Maurice thanked her for her help. Meanwhile, back at the castle, Belle was by Adam's bedside, reciting lines from a book she once read.

"'Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind and therefore...'"

"'And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind'," Adam finished the sentence

"You know Shakespeare?" Belle asked him

Adam sat up with a grunt, "I had an expensive education."

"Actually, 'Romeo and Juliet's my favorite play."

Adam groaned, falling back onto his pillow, "Why is that not a surprise?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Well, all that heartache and pining and..." Adam shivered in disgust, "So many better things to read."

"Like what?"

Adam put on a coat and took Belle into the library.

"Well, there are a couple of things in here you could start with," Adam said walking into the library.

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