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"Miss Fitzgerald, I know you can do better than this." my English teacher, Mr. Hander spoke as I looked at the paper that was filled with red pen and marks. "I know there's a lot of change in your life, but you have written much better papers than this." 

I just blinked at him.

How could I tell him nicely that I didn't give a fuck about an English class? I was trying to be a Finance major at the end of the day.

"Our next paper is due in four weeks, but I want to make sure you reach your full potential. I'm going to assign you a peer editor to work with you throughout the paper." Mr. Hander informed me.

I nodded my head. "And who is this editor?"

"Miles Bailey." he took a notecard and began to write something on it. "That is his name and his school email. I'm going to talk to him to make sure you follow up, Tatum."

I sighed as I took the postcard. "Is this necessary?"

"Yes, go on before you miss your next class." he shooed me away.

My next class was lunch.

I sighed as I walked out of the classroom. As I made my way to the cafeteria for lunch, I ran into exactly who I was looking for.

"Miles!" I spoke a little louder than formal.

He stopped in his tracks to turn around to look at me. 

"Hey, Tatum." he let me catch up to me.

"Are you in a rush or are you going to class?" I asked him. 

"Nah," he responded, "This is my lunch period. What's up?"

This was kind of awkward.

I cleared my throat. "Well, Mr. Hander wasn't feeling my essay and he wants me to talk with a peer editor for the next paper that's due. And by some chance, he assigned me you. I know this is probably strange, I'm not sure if I need the help, but -"

"Tatum." he began to stop me, "It's ok, it's not awkward or anything. Do you want to meet up at a coffee shop after school tomorrow?"


"That works." I agreed. "Thank you."

"No problem, can I have your number so I can text you?" he asked gently.

I pulled my phone out of the side of my backpack to unlock it before I handed it over to him. He typed a bit before he handed my phone back to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow." he gave me a small smile before he walked off.

Oh my gosh.

Do I tell BK about this when we go dress shopping today? No, she's going to think I'm weird or trying to get with her brother. It was just an essay.

I took a deep breath before I headed to the dining hall. I grabbed a sandwich and fries and talked to my friends for a moment before I went to the library to study for my calculus quiz today. 

After school, BK and I were going to my sister's old dance teammate's dress boutique to try to find a dress for homecoming. I appreciated that my sister was trying to make my life feel as normal as possible. Even if it meant renting out a dress shop for an hour so there were no men in all black walking around.

"I cannot believe that this is your last winter formal." Natalia realized as she bounced my niece around. "Beau might cry when he sees you all dressed up for this dance and prom."

"Why?" I scrunched up my nose as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Tatum, he's known you since you were in the third grade. Now you're a senior in college and about to graduate from high school." she reminded me.

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