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I'd been going to winter formal since I was in eighth grade and it was bittersweet to not have my mom here for my last winter formal. I appreciated my sister for helping me get ready and trying to make this night as best as she could.

"Your makeup looks gorgeous," she said as she lined my lips. "And she did an amazing job with your hair."

I got my hair silk pressed which was a relatively rare occasion. I used to hate how curly my hair was, but it was somewhere around when I met BK that I became confident with my natural curls.

My dress was a magenta strapless tulle dress with sheer corset bodice and ruffle embellishments. My sister was letting me borrow her gold Saint Laurent heels which brought the dress together.

 My sister was letting me borrow her gold Saint Laurent heels which brought the dress together

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"Are you staying at BK's for the after-party?" Natalia wondered. "You know, I used to be in high school and go to after-parties. I don't want you drinking and driving, well I really don't want you drinking but I'm gonna pick my battles."

I finished off my lips with my favorite Fenty lip gloss. "Yes, I'm going to stay. I'll be back by the afternoon to help with Sunday dinner."

"Perfect. Well, let's get you to Sydney's house for pictures," she said as she picked up her purse

Before I got to Sydney's, I took pictures with my sister, my sister's husband, myself, my niece, and all four of us. I had to admit that she was doing this mom thing especially since she went from being the mother of a one-year-old to a mother of a one-year-old and seventeen-year-old overnight.

My sister surprised me with the most beautiful corsage since I wasn't going with some grimy boy. I loved taking pictures with my friends and going to one of our favorite restaurants (Nobu), and I realized how much I was going to miss these moments when we all went to college.

"You did an amazing job with the decoration." I complimented Sydney. 

She looked around with a smile on her face. "I might go to school for interior design. I feel like I would like doing this and event planning for a living." 

When you go to school with kids who have connections everywhere, that idea isn't far out of reach. She could graduate and already have an HBO show.

As I listened to her go on about her passion for interior design, I saw Miles in a suit talking to his friends by the photo booth. He had on a suit with no tie, his shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way, and I admired how charismatic he was.

Miles looked nice.

Oh my gosh, Tatum.

"Who are you staring at?" Sydney realized.

I snapped back into reality. "Nothing."

She took a glance and looked back at me with a grin on her face. "Miles Bailey? Do you like him?"

I scoffed. "What? Miles Bailey? No fucking way, he's like a complete ass and he's BK's brother."

Then I remembered how I was twirling my hair in that coffee shop or how much I laughed at his stupid jokes. I was trying to convince myself this as much as I was trying to convince Sydney.

"Whatever you say, Tatum." she winked. "Let me show you the 3D space."

We stayed at the dance until around 11 and then we headed to the Bailey residence for the afterparty. Their parents were out of town for their little brother's game which was a good thing because between both of the twins basically the entire school was there.

While everyone was downstairs partying, I was upstairs on the phone with my mom. It occurred to me I hadn't spoken to her in a few days which was weird for me but also our new normal.

"Why are you up right now?" I asked her. "Isn't it like two in the morning where you are?"

She nodded. "Dad and I had a long day, took a nap, and now I can't sleep. I just wanted to check in with my baby girl since I couldn't FacetTme earlier while you were getting ready. Natalia sent me pictures and you look gorgeous."

"Thank you, mom." I smiled. "The dance was fun and going with my friend group was better than going with some guy. It felt less awkward and tense."

"That's good to hear. I'm surprised Nat hasn't used you as a babysitter for Saffie yet." my mom mentioned my niece.

I chuckled. "Well, that's coming soon. She's going to some charity ball with Beau soon. I don't mind, I love Saf. But I just wanted to check in with you, I'm gonna get back to the party and let you get some sleep."

"Alright, Tate. I love you." my mom expressed.

"I love you too. Goodnight." I beamed.

I ended the call and just took a minute to sit there.

I took a deep breath and got up. 

As I turned to leave the room, I saw someone standing in the doorway which caught me off guard because I knew this room was off-limit to guests.

"You looked really nice tonight." Miles complimented me.

I did? Well, duh.

"Thank you." I slid my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants. "How is your night going?"

He shrugged. "Not bad, but could be better. You know?"

I listened to the song that was playing outside and seeping through the doors. "BK must be on audio this song is so her."

It was How Can I Run To by Xscape.

"Yeah," Miles walked closer to me. 

"What are you doing?" I laughed nervously.

He grabbed my hand and spun me around. "Dancing with you since you didn't save me a dance tonight."

There was this feeling in my stomach that I hadn't felt in a long time. 


I wish I still had on my dress and heels. I didn't realize how tall he was until now.

We just danced and swayed in the game room. It wasn't awkward or anything which surprised me.

"Tatum, is the bottle of Jose Cuervo up here?" a voice asked and we immediately pulled away from each other.

"Oh shit, I didn't mean to interrupt anything," Sydney spoke with wide eyes.

Miles shook his head. "Nah, just getting Tay ready for her debutante ball."

Tay? A nickname? Why am I freaking out a lot of people call me that in passing, but Miles gave me a nickname? 

"Yeah." I laugh nervously. "But it's behind the bean bag chair."

"I'll catch you two downstairs," he spoke before he walked out of the room. I held eye contact with him until he walked out.

What just happened?

"Are you sure you don't like him?" Sydney asked me.

I was quiet.

"I don't, but don't tell BK about this otherwise she's going to get the wrong idea." I practically begged her.

"Relax, Tate, I won't. I think you should give it a try though, he's better than Kyler." Sydney assured me with the tequila in her hand. "Let's go downstairs and have some fun. You're thinking a little too much right now."

Once I started drinking, I stopped overthinking. I had fun, danced with my friends, and I was having a good night.

Until I saw him kissing her.

She was blonde with blue eyes. Basically, everything I wasn't.

And it felt like a punch in the gut.

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