Chapter 12; aquarium date (part II)

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The dophin show was done and it was time for the aquarium to close. As they were walking to the exit, Harry noticed the giftshop.

"Oohh ! I'll have a quick look, I promise", Harry said to Louis before running of, but Lou following of course.

Anyone could soo the sparkles in Harry's eyes as he was looking at all the cute souvenirs; the little fish and dolphon statues, the stuffed animals, the children toys,...

Harry was still looking around when Louis grabbed a stuffed dolphin, paying and hiding it. He then went to Harry to ask if he was ready to go. Harry's smiled dropped a little, but he followed anyone.

When they got in the car Louis told Harry to close his eyes for a second. He put the dolphin on Harry's lap before telling him to open his eyes again.

"It's a gift", Louis said, "to remember today".

"Really?! Oooh, it's so cute! Thank you, thank you, thank youu !!" Harry said excited. He leaned over and gave Louis a big hug. Louis was shocked for a second, but quickly hugged back.

"I'm kinda hungry", Louis said. "Wanna get some food?"

"I could eat", Harry smiled. And so they drove off.

After driving for a few minutes, they reached a little restaurant. It was decorated in peach colored tones and Harry thought it was the cutest.

They went in, sat down and a waiter took their order. While they were waiting for their food they started talking.

"So what actually is your work?", Harry asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"I just wondered. You always pay, I can see you whenever I want, you have this really nice car. Plus, you know where I work, maybe I'd like to visit you at work some time." Harry replied.

"I'm uh.. a business man", louis shrugged.

"Really?!, that's so cool! Could I join you one day to see what you do?" Harry got so excited by the idea of Louis as a business man.

"Uhm, well maybe some other time, right now business is a little messy. I had a little dispute with a client and have to fix it somehow". 

"Well that's too bad, but you really have to take me one day okay, I'm really interested in these kind of things. I want my own business one day", Harry said with a timid smile.

"Oh really? Do tell. What kind of business would you like?" *few, a way to divert the conversation* Louis thought to himself. 

"I'm not sure yet, but I'd really like my own coffee shop. I really enjoy the work, but my boos creeps me out something.. But don't worry", he said quickly when he noticed Louis tense up. "He's never done anything to me. The other day was the first time, but of course you were there to save me", He started blushing again.

"Well maybe I could help you one day." Louis already started planning. He was absolutely sure of what kind of coffee shop Harry would like. Maybe pink themed, or at least something cute like that. With all kinds of coffee on the menu. 

"You can do that? That would be so cool. I've been imagining it for ages. Pink tones, a big counter, all kinds of coffee and cakes"

"Cakes?", Louis asked.

"Yes, home made. I love to bake really. My first dream was a bakery, but after I started working in the coffee shop it really spoke to me. Now I like them both", Harry giggled.

"So do it", Louis suddenly said.

Harry was shocked. "I'd really love to, but I still have a lot of saving to do before I'll be able to open my own shop. But one day for sure."

*Might be sooner than you'd expect* Louis thought to himself.

The food arrived and so they started eating, small talk here and there until it was time to leave.

They got back in the car and Louis drove Harry home. The gentleman he is, he of course opened Harry's door again when they arrived, helped him out of the car and walked him to the door.

"Thank you for still going out with me, I thought I scared you off", Louis apologised.

"Don't worry Lou, I'm not scared off that easily", Harry replied with a smile on his face. "Well goodnight Lou."

"Goodnight Hazz", Louis replied. He gave Harry a small kiss on the cheek and walked back to his car.

Harry went inside, his had on his cheek as if he couldn't believe what just had happened. 

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