chapter 4; the first meeting (part II)

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Harry's outfit attached

"Okay last question", Louis said.
"Okay, shoot", Harry replied.
Louis breathed a few times, trying to calm his nerves, staring in front of him, pushing Harry softly on the swing.
"Would you go on a date with me?", he rushed out. "And like a real date, not just hanging out."
He stopped the swing and looked up to see Harry with a shocked expression.
"Y-you don't have to if you don't want to. I-I just asked", Louis said while scraching the back of his neck.
"You.. want to go on a date.. with me?", Harry asked "Why? You're so cool and hot and nice, why would you want to go on a date with me?"
"What do you mean 'with you'? Of course I'd want to! You're so nice and cheecky and I wanted to ask you ever since the first time I laid my eyes on, which was like 2 days ago, but still. You're so pretty hazz. And just that you're so confident, like you wear these cute clothes, that I totally melt over, with so much pride and you're just perfect", He replied.
Harry blushed at his sweet words and smiled at the ground.
"So what do you say?", he asked again.
Harry looked up with a smile. "Of course I want to", he replied.
Louis let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding. "Oh thank god, I really thought you'd say no. Phew", he joked.
Harry giggled at that.
They just stared at each othe for a while, smiling, before Louis spoke up again.
"How did you get to the coffee shop this morning?"
"I walked, I don't live too far off so I walk everyday", Harry replied.
"Oh okay. Well the sun is starting to set so let me walk you home", he said.
"Yeah sure", Harry said.
So Louis held out his hand, which Harry gladly took. He helped him off the swings and hold on for a second too long, before letting go, already missing the feeling of Harry's hand in his.
And so they went, on their way to Harry's house, small talks here and there. They just passed the coffee shop when they heard whistling from besides them. Before they even had time to turn to the stranger Harry was snatched away and was held captive in the arms of some guy.
"Hey cutie, what's your name?", the creep asked.
"I-I'm t-taken, l-let me g-go", Harry said. He was so scared.
"Taken? By who?", the guy asked with a smirk.
Harry didn't know what to say, he was too scared to come up with something at the spot.
"By me! He said let go you creep!", they heard Louis say before Harry got pulled back again and the guy received a hard, but I mean HARD, punch in the face. He stumbled backward and fell on the ground, a little dizzy from the hit.
Louis took Harry's arm softly and pulled him with him.
"Let's go", he said.
They kept on walking in silence.
It didn't take too much before they reached Harry's house. They stood before his door, saying nothing for a few seconds, before Harry was the first to speak this time.
"Thank you. For today, for the ice cream and the walk through the park. And for walking me home. And thank you so much for helping me with that creep", he said. He was trembling at the end of his sentence, his voice cracking.
Louis felt so bad. "Hey it's okay. I loved today. And I'd help and save you anytime", he said, walking up to Harry and hugging him.
"You're safe now, you're home. And I'm here for you", he whispered to him. Little did Harry know that with 'home' Louis meant with him, in his arms.
It took a few minutes for Harry to calm down, but when he did he looked up to Louis with a small smile on his lips. "Thank you. Good night Lou", he said, before planting a small kiss on Louis' cheeck.
"Good night Hazz", Louis said with a timid smile.
Harry then turned around and entered his house, closing the door and sliding down it, sighing. Louis stood there for a few more second, just smiling at the closed door. He then turned around, heading to the coffee shop where he left his car and then going home. He was still smiling at the time he was in bed, falling asleep with it playing on his lips, with the thought of Harry, the kiss and how it'd feel against his lips.

A little longer chappie.
What do you think about it ? I kinda like this one

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