ch 6

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It was already time for them to leave.
Mark had said goodbye earlier as his house was a little far away.
"I'll be leaving now P'"
"Sure. Reach home safe. I'm expecting you in the evening"(Tay)
"I'll be there P'"
*Tay smiles*
"Now if you'll excuse me. I need to get to the hospital." (Dunk)
"Oh wait,you too? We're going there too , you can come with us. After that my driver can drive you home too" ( Tay)
"Will that be okay??"
"Obviously! Let's go . Hop on."
"After they were settled."
"You have a really nice car Tay."
"Thanks. But I'm still not allowed to drive. My parents are gifting me a new sports car when i start college anyways" It didn't sound like boasting , did it?"
"No , not at all *dunk laughed a little*. Also... when will Joong join us??"
"Oh, he will be taking his own car."
Damn , does he hate me that much....
"Can I ask you something Tay??"
"Go ahead."
"Are you going to visit New as well?"
"Yes. Me, him and Joong have been friends since we started going to school."
"Oh. (If they were friends, why'd Joong hit him so badly )"
"You got him to hospital right?? Thanks."
"No problem, I wanted to make sure he could be treated right away so I brought him to my father's hospital."
"Oh my! Your father's a doctor? Honestly Dunk, that's so cool! What are you aiming for??"
"Medical as well ."
"Your father forced you?"
"No no , not at all. I knew you'd say this. I personally am interested in medical and I must say I'm good in studies as well ."
"That's great. My father owns one of the most popular alcohol company in Asia. I'll treat you, Joong and New there, once we enter college."
"That would be very nice of you.Let me guess, you're taking Business administration in college.
"You got that right."
And like that they talked about various things, friends , sports, hobbies, family and what not.
《Dunk pov》
I didn't even realize that we reached the hospital. It felt like such a short ride. Today, I had saved a person and was going to the hospital to meet him, I felt great. Talking to Tay felt relaxing, he was a good listener and an amazing speaker. It was the first time I talked such fondly to someone except Louis and Candy.
It felt nice.

Once we entered the hospital, Joong met with us. Tay mentioned to him that this hospital was my father's, at which Joong was shocked and looked at me.

I felt a blush creep up on my face.

I asked a nurse to lead them to New's ward while I visited the doctor incharge.
He informed me that New will be fine after a few days rest.
I was happy after hearing that and made my way to the ward . But I didn't enter it .
Instead I took four drinks out of the wending machine and texted Tay.

Dunk: Hi Tay

Tay:Hi, where are you?

Dunk: I actually needed some help. If you could come out of the ward once.

《3rd person pov》

Tay excused himself from the room and made his way out.

He was greeted by Dunk who had uncertain look on his face.

"Here for you" said Dunk while passing a drink to Tay.

"I know you didn't call me out for this" said Tay while holding the drink.

"You're smart, I called you out cause I wanted to ask something " replied Dunk.

"Go ahead"

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