The recent "cool down" period between Joong and Dunk in November inspired this short story.
Please read prologue for more context.
As always my stories assum...
Joongdunk & Pondphuwin college fic
Joong and Dunk grew up as enemies. They hated each other's guts.They competed with each other in everything: who got better grades, wh...
This is an edited version of the original story "THE MERGER".
The edited version contains shorter paragraphs and easier English language. This...
This a short story requested by one of my readers.
A Joong-Dunk AU
When two young actors meet by coincidence, there's an invisible force that draws them to each other...
Meet Joong, a guy who enjoys short relationships that only last a month or even just a week. His friend, Pond, tells him that if he keeps this up, he won't find someone...
Joong, a notorious serial killer with a troubled past, targets Dunk as his next victim after seeing him in a cafe. Strangely, as Joong stalks Dunk, he starts falling for...
"theres just-
inches in between us."
joong and dunk? they were fire and ice.
but once dunk melts and starts boiling, then they both are on the same team o...
Shriyansh Singh Rajput
A 28-year-old Rude, arrogant,grumpy,introverted business man In front of the world but behind the shades is an underworld mafia king known by SR...
Dunk has been secretly admiring Joong for three years. However, when he finally managed to catch Joong's attention, the situation didn't unfold as he had anticipated.
When Shy and reserved Joke seeks help with his public speaking from the confident and charismatic Zo, it appears like a sharing of a few tricks and tips is all that will...
- "When shadows of the past threaten to overshadow the promise of tomorrow, love becomes both shelter and courage.
In the end, the bravest race isn't about crossin...
Enemies into lovers. What follows? Is it ever smooth sailing? Will it last? How long until lovers become enemies? This time, will either survive?
Two stubborn hardworkin...
The first date is great and the feeling is right between Joke and Zo on this date. The only problem is that Joke is a little shorter than Zo and this is a deal breaker f...
Joong's (hidden but no so hidden love) agenda to be with Dunk.
Celebrated artist Joong meets CEO Dunk.
JoongDunk centric but can't help featuring the joylada gang with...
Como é difícil amar uma pessoa que sempre estará fora de seu a alcance...
-Eu não posso nutrir sentimentos por alguém que não sente o mesmo por mim.
-Mas quem disse que...
Loving someone in secret can be a divine punishment or something of great value that needs some work in it. Loving someone, in fact, is not about being mutual, it's just...