K-pop group Chat

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Isabel Catalina Selena Jennie Lisa Reina and Leia were having a discussion in the classroom waiting for the arrival of Professor Heather Gomez will be teaching the entire class on the works of Jane Austen written well renowned Novels Pride and Prejudice Emma Sense and Sensibility etc. The topic of the discussion was a strange and very weird incident they and their friends had while again in a group chat 💬 on social media it was dedicated to a K-pop group on Sakura's 💻 Reina Selena Isabel Catalina were reading 📖 and looking at the comments from both sensible K-pop Stans but the majority of them were writing ✍️ comments didn't make
Any sense then Reina replies some of these individuals involved in the group chat 💬 aren't real fans of K-pop at all what so ever then Selena replies to her friends the chat 💬 is quickly becoming too toxic and very uncomfortable so Isabel suggested that they should leave the chat 💬 immediately so the girls left the chat 💬 while in the middle of their discussion Professor Gomez walked into the room greeted her students with a good morning and a hello 👋 went to blackboard started to write ✍️ a timeline of Jane Austen along with the dates she released some of her famous renowned Novels. Professor Gomez wrote the family history of Jane Austen on the first few lines.

Name Jane Austen
Date of Birth December, 16 1775
Birthplace Steventon, United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Parents George Austen and Cassandra Austen

Siblings Cassandra Henry Thomas Edward James Francis Charles and George Austen

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