Chapter 26

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I went back to the entrance only to find Michael, Zach, and David there as well.

"Hey, guys.", I said as I approached them. "You're waiting for Blake too?"

"Yea. You're going to Brendan's party too?", Zach asked.

"Only because Blake was dragging me to it.", I said laughing a little.

"Well, trust me, you'll have a great time.", Zach assured me.

I sort of studied how each of them were acting. They seemed slightly hostile but I couldn't really tell. I brushed it off anyway.
Blake arrived at the entrance several minutes afterward and we all followed him to his car.

We all got into the car with me in front and everyone else in the back. Though Brendan's house was some distance away from our school, it still was a shorter drive there than I expected.

His house was pretty big hinting to the stereotypical rich kid that's always the one throwing school parties. The street and the driveway were already packed with cars and I could here loud music booming in the house.

I wondered if this guy's parents are even home or if they're on that stereotypical "business trip" that lasts long enough to give him time to clean up the evidence. Yes, I watched Project X. Then again, in that particular party movie, the guys that threw the party caused thousands of dollars in property damage so I wouldn't exactly called that cleaning up the evidence. Sorry for the digression.

When we knocked on the door, Brendan answered. He had a plastic cup of what smelled like hard alcohol (another stereotype) and he acted a little loopy.

"Oh, hey guys. Glad you could join. Come on in.", His words were slurred and elongated which added to the effect.

I'm not going to lie. The inside of his house is like an interior designer's home. Everything was perfectly furnished and polished. This guy basically lived in a palace.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Brendan. He drank from his cup before talking to me. "I didn't catch your name."

"It's Jesse.", I said.

He nodded in acknowledgement and left to head in another room. I turned back to the rest of where my group was to be only to realize that it was only Blake.

"Do you want to get a drink or something.", He asked.

"No, I'm fine thanks."

"You sure?"

I hesitated, thinking about it. "Oh what the hell. Why not?"

Don't drink before you're 21 kids. This why I'm never going to be a role model.

I drank alcohol once or twice in my past human life but of course it's been a while.

Blake took my hand and led me to the kitchen where there was an assortment of different alcoholic beverages. I even spotted what I hoped was baby powder in a folded piece of paper.

"Is that what I think if is?", I asked Blake pointing to the substance.

"Yea it's cocaine.", He said rather calmly. "Why do you want some?"

"Oh, no! I was just asking. I didn't think he would actually have drugs..."

"Jesse, this is why his parties are always popular.", Blake chuckled.

I eyed the substance once more still not believing this guy had access to cocaine. What the hell...

Blake poured me a shot. I took it from his and drank expecting it to burn my throat like it should but it only had a ticklish feeling. I guessed that since I'm a vampire, alcohol doesn't affect me as much. Good for me. I downed about three more shots before Blake had a surprised look on his face.

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