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"Tomo-kun... Are you wearing my boxers again!?"

Sometimes after a long hard day of work, I find myself going home just to see him 'accidentally' wearing one of my underwear. It's quite frustrating, I mean he has his own underwear. And he still has some clean underwear in his drawer.

"Take them off..."


"You always empty my underwear drawer!"

"I can't help it, they're comfortable."

"I don't care. Just... take them off already!"

"Take them off then."

He just lay down leaning on the couch wiggling his eyebrows.

He always does this.


I turned my back on him and slightly smiled.

I pretend I never bothered. I know what he's after so I just came to the bedroom to change clothing.

"Wait. You're sleeping already?"

I climbed on the bed with my jammies on and tucked in my blanket.


"How about your boxers?"

"You could just wear them tonight..."

"But... Chiro..."

He climbed on top of me.

I smirked at him.

"You're actually sexy with my underwear."

Especially those red ones.

I pulled his head kissing him. He was just shocked from his unusually aggressive little Chiro.

I pushed him and mount on him stripping my shirt off.

"Woah, woah, woah..."

I stopped making my way to his neck. And looked at him in question.


"I-I'm not used to your wolf side."

"Wolf side?"

I laughed. Wolf is actually a slang term for a sexually aggressive person.

I started to feed upon his chest like a wild beast as if to tickle my prey. He chortled.

"Maybe I should take them off."


I snarled at him.

I started to kiss him. He was perplexed. I told him not to take the boxers off. I actually want him to wear them for a little while. I tried to rub our fighting sticks together with our underwear still on.

Until then, the wolf finally got tired and sleepy. I rest up on him and placed my head on hist chest. So much for being a wolf, I have a very low stamina. 

I hear his heartbeat. His breathing was actually deep and fast. I think he also got tired from my wolf-side.

Maybe I should let him wear my boxers more often after all.

Roommate Cuddles IV: Forever and AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now