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The night sky is full of stars tonight as I stand by the balcony. I remembered stargazing with Tomo-kun. 

The dog suddenly barked. I'm cooking dinner tonight. Tomo will be here in just a jiff.

"You'll get yours after we ate, okay?"

Percy barked as if he answered.

Speaking of Tomo-kun. He rushed by the door to the bedroom.

"Tomo-kun! Wanna eat? I made dinner!"

I gleefully invited.

"I'm not hungry."

This is weird. His aura is a bit off today. I mean he's not usually like this at all. Especially when it comes to dinner.

He just took his clothes off and went to sleep.

After I ate dinner, fed Percy and took a bath, I wore the over-sized shirt he gave me. I use to wear it all the time as pajamas.

I came to sleep by his side and hugged him from behind. 

After a while he slipped my arm off his side. He's really not like this at all. He usually likes it when I cuddle him.

I tried to put my arm on his side again as if to cuddle the grumpy tiger. 

Now I'm starting to get suspicious about his constant rejections.

I came to lie down in front to where he's facing. I brought a bear along with me. 

"Tomo-kun, is something wrong?"

For once, he never looked at me.

"I'm sorry Chiro... It's just... hot."

Then he faced to the other side opposite to where I took place. 

It ever took me a minute to realize we're actually air conditioned. How come he complains about the temperature?

I just hugged my teddy bear tightly and never even bothered. But I'm sure this feeling of mine. Something's terribly wrong.

The next day. He was early and watching TV. He's on his blue striped boxers and he's actually bulging out.

"There's dinner at the fridge."

I came at his side. Still on my suit. I put my bag down and joined him at the couch. I notice he still has those furrowed eyebrows. What's up with him looking so pumped out anyway?

I can't take this none sense. I went down between his thighs.

"Chiro... What are you doing?!"

I went to strip him off showing his huge sword. I went to suck his shaft as I feel distressed on seeing his fist clenched on the couch.

"Just let me do this for you, Tomo-kun."

I continue trying to please him and I started to tear... I don't like him mad. I don't want to see him like this. I'm not used to a furious tiger.

"Chiro please stop it."

He pushed me away making me hit the table.He stood wearing his underwear back and lend me his hand.

I quickly rejected his hand and suddenly teared up. I stood up by myself.

"What's wrong Tomo-kun? Please... Tell me..."

He came to hug me. And it made my eyes get wetter.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have tested you like that.."

Tested me? 

"Why would you do that?"

I said while still muffled on his chest as I damp it with my tears. And I'm hitting him effortlessly.

"I'm sorry..."

He just kept on apologizing over and over as the dog barks at him. I didn't like what he just do.

I never ate dinner. He just carried me to the bed and stripped me half-naked. As I fell asleep on him from getting distressed on that recent event while watching TV. He laid down beside me and I made myself reject every time he tries to embrace me.

I don't like being played. I never once did.

Roommate Cuddles IV: Forever and AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now